Field notes of the survey shall appear along the line indicating the right-of-way on the maps, unless the maps would be too crowded thereby to be easily legible, in which event the field notes may be filed separately on tracing linen in such form that they may be folded readily for filing. Where field notes are placed on separate tracing linen, it will be necessary to place on the maps only a sufficient number of station numbers so as to make it convenient to follow the field notes. The field notes shall be typewritten. Whether endorsed on the maps or filed separately, the field notes shall be sufficiently complete so as to permit the line indicating the right-of-way to be readily retraced on the ground from the notes. They shall show whether the line was run on true or magnetic bearings, and, in the latter case, the variation of the needle and date of determination must be stated. One or more bearings (or angular connections with public survey lines) must be given. The 10-mile sections must be indicated and numbered on all lines of road submitted.