(a) Area office certification. Upon receipt of an application for a grant by an off-reservation Indian organization at the area office, the Regional Director shall:
(1) Complete and sign the area office certification form. In completing the area certification form, the Regional Director shall assess and certify whether applications contain and meet all the application requirements specified at Sec. 23.33. Regional Directors shall be responsible for the completion of the area office certification forms for all applications submitted by off-reservation Indian organizations.
(2) Acknowledge receipt of the application to the applicant and advise the applicant of the disposition of the application within 10 days of receipt; and
(3) Transmit all applications within five working days of receipt to the area review committee for competitive review and subsequent approval or disapproval of the applications.
(b) Area office competitive review and decision for off-reservation applications. Upon receipt of an application for an off-reservation grant under this part requiring the approval of the Regional Director, the Regional Director shall:
(1) Establish and convene an area review committee, chaired by a person qualified by knowledge, training and experience in the delivery of Indian child and family services.
(2) Review the area office certification form required in paragraph (a) of this section.
(3) Review the application in accordance with the competitive review procedures prescribed in Sec. 23.33. An application shall not receive approval for funding under the area competitive review and scoring process unless a review of the application determines that it:
(i) Contains all the information required in Sec. 23.33 which must be received by the close of the application period. Modifications of the grant application received after the close of the application period shall not be considered in the competitive review process.
(ii) Receives at least the established minimum score in an area competitive review, using the application selection criteria and scoring process set out in Sec. 23.33. The minimum score shall be established by the Central Office prior to each application period and announced in the Federal Register for the applicable grants year(s).
(4) Approve or disapprove the application and promptly notify the applicant in writing of the approval or disapproval of the application. If the application is disapproved, the Regional Director shall include in the written notice the specific reasons therefore.
(c) The actual funding amounts for the initial grant year shall be subject to appropriations available nationwide and the continued funding of an approved off-reservation grant application under subpart D of this part shall be subject to available funds received by the respective area office for the applicable grant year. Initial funding decisions and subsequent decisions with respect to funding level amounts for all approved grant applications under this part shall be made by the Regional Director.