(a) The servicing housing office must review your application for completeness. If your application is incomplete, the office will notify you, in writing, what is needed to complete your application and the date it must be submitted. If you do not return your application by the deadline date, you will not be considered for assistance in that program year.
(b) The servicing housing office will use your completed application to determine if you are eligible for the Housing Improvement Program.
(1) If you are found ineligible for the Housing Improvement Program or otherwise do not qualify for the program, the servicing housing office will advise you in writing within 45 days of receipt of your completed application.
(2) If you are found eligible for the Housing Improvement Program, the servicing housing office will assess your application for need, according to the factors and numeric values shown in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ranking factor and Randing
Factor definition description Point descriptors------------------------------------------------------------------------1............ Annual Household Income/125% FPG Points
Income: Must \1\ (maximum=40):
include income of (% of 125% FPC)
all persons \1\.
counted in
Factors 2, 3, 4.
Income includes
earned income,
royalties, and
one-time income.
0-25 40
26-50 30
51-75 20
76-100 10
101-125 02............ Aged Persons: For Years of Age: Points:
the benefit of
persons age 55 or
older, and Must
be living in the
Less than 55..... 0
55 and older..... 1 point per year
of age over 543............ Disabled % of Disability-- Points
Individual: Any (A% + B%/2):. (Maximum=20):
one (1) disabled
person living in
the dwelling.
(The percentage
of disability
must be based on
the average
(mean) of the
percentage of
identified from
two sources (A+B)
of statements of
conditions which
may include a
Social Security
or Veterans
determination, or
100%............. 20
Less than 100%... 104............ Dependent Dependent Child-- Points (Maximum =
Children: Must be (Number of 5):
under the age of Children):
18 or such other
age established
for purposes of
parental support
by tribal or
state law (if
any). Must live
in the dwelling
and not be
1................ 0
2................ 1
3................ 2
4................ 3
5................ 4
6 or more........ 5------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ FPG means Federal Poverty Guidelines.
(c) The servicing housing office will develop a list of the applications considered and/or received for the Housing Improvement Program for the current program year. The list will include, at a minimum, sufficient information to determine:
(1) The current program year;
(2) The number of applications considered and/or received;
(3) The eligible applicants, ranked in order of need, from highest to lowest, based on the total numeric value assigned according to the factors shown in table B. (In the case of a tie, the family with the lower income will be listed first);
(4) The estimated allowable costs of the improvements, repairs or replacement projects for the eligible applicants and the ``Priority List,'' identifying which applicants will be served based on the amount of available funding, starting with the most needy applicant and continuing until the amount of available funding is depleted; and
(5) The applicants not ranked, with an explanation (such as reason for ineligibility or reason for incomplete application).
(d) Your servicing housing office will inform you in writing within 45 days of completion of the listing whether funding is available to provide Housing Improvement Program services to you in that program year.
(1) If funding is available, you will be provided appropriate information concerning the availability of Housing Improvement Program services.
(2) If funding is not available, you will be advised, in writing, and provided appropriate information concerning submission for the next available program year. At the option of your servicing housing office and when extenuating circumstances exist, your application can be carried forward, for one year, into the next program year. You will be advised that you must provide written confirmation that the information in your application is still accurate and that you must provide current income documentation for that application to be considered in the next program year.
(e) Your servicing housing office will prepare an annual report identifying construction work undertaken during the fiscal year and related construction expenditures. The annual report is due to the servicing regional office on the fifteenth day after the end of the fiscal year. The report, at a minimum, will contain:
(1) Number of Eligible Applicants;
(2) Number of Applicants Provided Service;
(3) Names of Applicants Provided Service;
(4) For Each Applicant Provided Service:
(i) Date of Construction Start;
(ii) Date of Construction Completion, if applicable;
(iii) Cost;
(iv) HIP Category. [63 FR 10134, Mar. 2, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 77921, Dec. 20, 2002]