You qualify for repairs and renovation assistance under Category B if you meet the requirements of this section.
(a) Your servicing housing office must determine that it is cost effective to repair and renovate the dwelling.
(b) You must occupy the dwelling and must either:
(1) Own the dwelling; or
(2) Lease the dwelling with:
(i) An undivided leasehold (i.e., you are the only lessee); and
(ii) A leasehold that will last at least 25 years from the date that you receive the assistance.
(c) The servicing housing office must determine that the repairs and renovation will bring the dwelling to standard housing condition.
(d) You must sign a written agreement stating that, if you sell the dwelling within 5 years of the completion of repairs and renovation:
(1) The assistance grant under this part will be voided; and
(2) At the time of settlement, you will repay BIA the full cost of all repairs and renovation made under this part. [63 FR 10134, Mar. 2, 1998, as amended at 67 FR 77920, Dec. 20, 2002]