(a) Within the boundaries of this officially designated roadless area it will be the policy of the Interior Department to refuse consent to the construction or establishment of any routes passable to motor transportation, including in this restriction highways, roads, truck trails, work roads, and all other types of ways constructed to make possible the passage of motor vehicles either for transportation of people or for the hauling of supplies and equipment, unless the requirements of fire protection, commercial use for the Indians' benefit or actual needs of the Indians clearly demand otherwise.
(b) Foot trails and horse trails are not barred. The Superintendent of the Wind River Reservation on which this roadless area has been established will be held strictly accountable for seeing that the area is maintained in a roadless condition. Elimination of this area or any part thereof from the restriction of this order will be made only upon a written showing of an actual and controlling need. (5 U.S.C. 301) [30 FR 9814, Aug. 6, 1965. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982]
Cross Reference: For rights-of-way for highways over Indian lands, see part 169 of this chapter.