(a) Exemptions. (1) The requirements of this section shall not apply to gaming operations who house pari-mutuel wagering operations conducted entirely by a state licensed simulcast service provider pursuant to an approved tribal-state compact if:
(1) The requirements of this section shall not apply to gaming operations who house pari-mutuel wagering operations conducted entirely by a state licensed simulcast service provider pursuant to an approved tribal-state compact if:
(i) The simulcast service provider utilizes its own employees for all aspects of the pari-mutuel wagering operation;
(ii) The gaming operation posts, in a location visible to the public, that the simulcast service provider and its employees are wholly responsible for the conduct of pari-mutuel wagering offered at that location;
(iii) The gaming operation receives a predetermined fee from the simulcast service provider; and
(iv) In addition, the Tribal gaming regulatory authority, or the gaming operation as approved by the Tribal gaming regulatory authority, shall establish and the gaming operation shall comply with standards that ensure that the gaming operation receives, from the racetrack, its contractually guaranteed percentage of the handle.
(2) Gaming operations that contract directly with a state regulated racetrack as a simulcast service provider, but whose on-site pari-mutuel operations are conducted wholly or in part by tribal gaming operation employees, shall not be required to comply with paragraphs (h)(5) thru (h)(9) of this section.
(i) If any standard contained within this section conflicts with state law, a tribal-state compact, or a contract, then the gaming operation shall document the basis for noncompliance and shall maintain such documentation for inspection by the Tribal gaming regulatory authority and the Commission.
(ii) In addition, the Tribal gaming regulatory authority, or the gaming operation as approved by the Tribal gaming regulatory authority, shall establish and the gaming operation shall comply with standards that ensure that the gaming operation receives, from the racetrack, its contractually guaranteed percentage of the handle.
(b) Computer applications. For any computer applications utilized, alternate documentation and/or procedures that provide at least the level of control described by the standards in this section, as approved by the Tribal gaming regulatory authority, will be acceptable.
(c) Betting ticket and equipment standards. (1) All pari-mutuel wagers shall be transacted through the pari-mutuel satellite system. In case of computer failure between the pari-mutuel book and the hub, no tickets shall be manually written.
(1) All pari-mutuel wagers shall be transacted through the pari-mutuel satellite system. In case of computer failure between the pari-mutuel book and the hub, no tickets shall be manually written.
(2) Whenever a betting station is opened for wagering or turned over to a new writer/cashier, the writer/cashier shall sign on and the computer shall document gaming operation name (or identification number), station number, the writer/cashier identifier, and the date and time.
(3) A betting ticket shall consist of at least two parts:
(i) An original, which shall be transacted and issued through a printer and given to the customer; and
(ii) A copy that shall be recorded concurrently with the generation of the original ticket either on paper or other storage media (e.g., tape or diskette).
(4) Upon accepting a wager, the betting ticket that is created shall contain the following:
(i) A unique transaction identifier;
(ii) Gaming operation name (or identification number) and station number;
(iii) Race track, race number, horse identification or event identification, as applicable;
(iv) Type of bet(s), each bet amount, total number of bets, and total take; and
(v) Date and time.
(5) All tickets shall be considered final at post time.
(6) If a gaming operation voids a betting ticket written prior to post time, it shall be immediately entered into the system.
(7) Future wagers shall be accepted and processed in the same manner as regular wagers.
(d) Payout standards. (1) Prior to making payment on a ticket, the writer/cashier shall input the ticket for verification and payment authorization.
(1) Prior to making payment on a ticket, the writer/cashier shall input the ticket for verification and payment authorization.
(2) The computer shall be incapable of authorizing payment on a ticket that has been previously paid, a voided ticket, a losing ticket, or an unissued ticket.
(e) Checkout standards. (1) Whenever the betting station is closed or the writer/cashier is replaced, the writer/cashier shall sign off and the computer shall document the gaming operation name (or identification number), station number, the writer/cashier identifier, the date and time, and cash balance.
(1) Whenever the betting station is closed or the writer/cashier is replaced, the writer/cashier shall sign off and the computer shall document the gaming operation name (or identification number), station number, the writer/cashier identifier, the date and time, and cash balance.
(2) For each writer/cashier station a summary report shall be completed at the conclusion of each shift including:
(i) Computation of cash turned in for the shift; and
(ii) Signature of two employees who have verified the cash turned in for the shift. Unverified transfers of cash and/or cash equivalents are prohibited.
(f) Employee wagering. Pari-mutuel employees shall be prohibited from wagering on race events while on duty, including during break periods.
(g) Computer reports standards. (1) Adequate documentation of all pertinent pari-mutuel information shall be generated by the computer system.
(1) Adequate documentation of all pertinent pari-mutuel information shall be generated by the computer system.
(2) This documentation shall be restricted to authorized personnel.
(3) The documentation shall be created for each day's operation and shall include, but is not limited to:
(i) Unique transaction identifier;
(ii) Date/time of transaction;
(iii) Type of wager;
(iv) Animal identification or event identification;
(v) Amount of wagers (by ticket, writer/SAM, track/event, and total);
(vi) Amount of payouts (by ticket, writer/SAM, track/event, and total);
(vii) Tickets refunded (by ticket, writer, track/event, and total);
(viii) Unpaid winners/vouchers (``outs'') (by ticket/voucher, track/event, and total);
(ix) Voucher sales/payments (by ticket, writer/SAM, and track/event);
(x) Voids (by ticket, writer, and total);
(xi) Future wagers (by ticket, date of event, total by day, and total at the time of revenue recognition);
(xii) Results (winners and payout data);
(xiii) Breakage data (by race and track/event);
(xiv) Commission data (by race and track/event); and
(xv) Purged data (by ticket and total).
(4) The system shall generate the following reports:
(i) A reconciliation report that summarizes totals by track/event, including write, the day's winning ticket total, total commission and breakage due the gaming operation, and net funds transferred to or from the gaming operation's bank account;
(ii) An exception report that contains a listing of all system functions and overrides not involved in the actual writing or cashing of tickets, including sign-on/off, voids, and manually input paid tickets; and
(iii) A purged ticket report that contains a listing of the unique transaction identifier(s), description, ticket cost and value, and date purged.
(h) Accounting and auditing functions. A gaming operation shall perform the following accounting and auditing functions:
(1) The parimutuel audit shall be conducted by personnel independent of the parimutuel operation.
(2) Documentation shall be maintained evidencing the performance of all parimutuel accounting and auditing procedures.
(3) An accounting employee shall review handle, commission, and breakage for each day's play and recalculate the net amount due to or from the systems operator on a weekly basis.
(4) The accounting employee shall verify actual cash/cash equivalents turned in to the system's summary report for each cashier's drawer (Beginning balance, (+) fills (draws), (+) net write (sold less voids), (-) payouts (net of IRS withholding), (-) cashbacks (paids), (=) cash turn-in).
(5) An accounting employee shall produce a gross revenue recap report to calculate gross revenue for each day's play and for a month-to-date basis, including the following totals:
(i) Commission;
(ii) Positive breakage;
(iii) Negative breakage;
(iv) Track/event fees;
(v) Track/event fee rebates; and
(vi) Purged tickets.
(6) All winning tickets and vouchers shall be physically removed from the SAM's for each day's play.
(7) In the event a SAM does not balance for a day's play, the auditor shall perform the following procedures:
(i) Foot the winning tickets and vouchers deposited and trace to the totals of SAM activity produced by the system;
(ii) Foot the listing of cashed vouchers and trace to the totals produced by the system;
(iii) Review all exceptions for propriety of transactions and unusual occurrences;
(iv) Review all voids for propriety;
(v) Verify the results as produced by the system to the results provided by an independent source;
(vi) Regrade 1% of paid (cashed) tickets to ensure accuracy and propriety; and
(vii) When applicable, reconcile the totals of future tickets written to the totals produced by the system for both earned and unearned take, and review the reports to ascertain that future wagers are properly included on the day of the event.
(8) At least annually, the auditor shall foot the wagers for one day and trace to the total produced by the system.
(9) At least one day per quarter, the auditor shall recalculate and verify the change in the unpaid winners to the total purged tickets. [67 FR 43400, June 27, 2002, as amended at 70 FR 47106, Aug. 12, 2005]