(a) Each dealer shall maintain separate records of each formula of new specially denatured spirits--
(1) Received, as required by Sec. 20.163,
(2) Packaged, as required by Sec. 20.180,
(3) Destroyed, as required by Sec. 20.222,
(4) Lost, as required by Sec. Sec. 20.202-20.204, and
(5) Transferred to another permittee or a distilled spirits plant, as required by Sec. Sec. 20.171, 20.216, and 20.231.
(b) Each dealer shall maintain separate records of each formula of recovered specially denatured spirits for each of the transactions listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(5) of this section.
(c) Once in each calendar year, and when requested by an appropriate TTB officer, each dealer shall perform and record a balanced accounting of each formula of new and recovered specially denatured spirits using the records required by Sec. 20.170 and this section.
(d) When requested, the dealer shall submit the accounting required by paragraph (c) of this section to the appropriate TTB officer. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0337)