(a) Refractive index at 25 [deg]C. 1.497 to 1.502.
(b) Color. Colorless.
(c) Odor. Practically odorless.
(d) Solubility. Soluble in 20 parts of 60 percent alcohol.
(e) Specific gravity at 25 [deg]/25 [deg]C. 1.115 to 1.118.
(f) Ester content (as diethyl phthalate). Not less than 99 percent by weight.
Note. The sample taken for ester determination should be approximately 0.8 gram. The number of ml of 0.5 N potassium hydroxide used in saponification multiplied by 0.05555 indicates the number of grams of ester in the sample taken for assay. [T.D. ATF-133, 48 FR 24673, June 2, 1983. Redesignated by T.D. ATF-442, 66 FR 12854, Mar. 1, 2001]