(a) Distillation range. (For applicable ASTM method, see 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 25, page 395, Standard No. D 3699-78 for burner fuel; see Part 23, page 849, Standard Nos. D 1655-80a for aviation turbine fuels and D 86-78 for distillation of petroleum products; for incorporation by reference, see Sec. 21.6(b).) No distillate should come over below 340 [deg]F. and none above 570 [deg]F.
(b) Flash point. 115 [deg]F. minimum.
(c) Odor. Characteristic odor. [T.D. ATF-133, 48 FR 24673, June 2, 1983. Redesignated by T.D. ATF-442, 66 FR 12854, Mar. 1, 2001]