Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 27  /  Part 21  /  Sec. 21.72 Formula No. 39-C.

(a) Formula. To every 100 gallons of alcohol add: One gallon of diethyl phthalate.

(b) Authorized uses. (1) As a solvent: 111. Hair and scalp preparations.113. Lotions and creams (hand, face, and body).114. Deodorants (body).121. Perfumes and perfume tinctures.122. Toilet waters and colognes.142. Soaps and bath preparations.470. Theater sprays, incense, and room deodorants.

(1) As a solvent: 111. Hair and scalp preparations.113. Lotions and creams (hand, face, and body).114. Deodorants (body).121. Perfumes and perfume tinctures.122. Toilet waters and colognes.142. Soaps and bath preparations.470. Theater sprays, incense, and room deodorants.

(2) Miscellaneous uses: 812. Product development and pilot plant uses (own use only).