The penal sums of bonds prescribed in this part are as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Penal sum
Bond Basis -------------------------
(a) Wine Bond, TTB F 5120.36.................. (1) Wine operations coverage. (i) Not $1,000 $50,000
(1) Wine operations coverage. (i) Not $1,000 $50,000
(i) Not $1,000 $50,000
less than the tax on all wine or
spirits possessed, in transit, or
unaccounted for at any one time,
taking into account the appropriate
small producer wine tax credit.
(ii) Where the liability exceeds ........... 100,000
(2) Tax deferral coverage. Where the 500 250,000
unpaid tax amounts to more than $500,
not less than the amount of tax
which, at any one time, has been
determined but not paid. Exception:
$1,000 of the wine operations
coverage may be allocated to cover
the amount of tax which, at any one
time, has been determined but not
paid, if the total operations
coverage is $2,000 or more.
(b) Wine Vinegar Plant Bond, TTB F 5510.2..... Not less than the tax on all wine on 1,000 100,000
hand, in transit, or unaccounted for
at any one time.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* The proprietor of bonded wine premises who operates an adjacent or contiguous wine vinegar plant with a wine
bond that does not cover the operation may file a consent of surety to extend the terms of the wine bond in
lieu of filing a wine vinegar plant bond. (26 U.S.C. 5354, 5362) (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0009) [T.D. TTB-64, 72 FR 65454, Nov. 21, 2007]