The materials listed in this section as well as the materials listed in Sec. 24.246 are approved as being acceptable in good commercial practice for use by proprietors in the treatment of distilling material within the limitations specified in this section: Provided, That when the specified use or limitation of any material on this list is determined to be unacceptable by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the appropriate TTB officer may cancel or amend the approval for use of the material in the treatment of distilling material. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference or
Materials Use limitation------------------------------------------------------------------------Ammonium phosphate (mono- and Yeast nutrient in The amount used shall
di basic. distilling not exceed 10 lbs/
material. 1000 gals. (1.2 g/
L). 21 CFR 184.1141
(GRAS).\1\ See
footnote below.Benzoic acid, potassium and To prevent The amount used shall
sodium salts of benzoic acid. fermentation of not exceed 0.1% (w/
the sugar in v) as benzoic acid.
wine being GRAS per FDA
accumulated as advisory opinions
distilling dated 9/22/82 and 9/
material. 8/83. 21 CFR
184.1021 and
184.1733 (GRAS).Enzyme activity............... ................. The enzyme
preparation used
shall be prepared
from nontoxic and
microorganisms in
accordance with good
practice and be
approved for use in
food by either FDA
regulation or by FDA
advisory opinion.Carbohydrase (alpha- Amylase). To convert The amylase enzyme
starches to activity shall be
fermentable derived from
carbohydrates. Aspergillus niger,
Aspergillus oryzae,
Bacillus subtilis,
or barley malt per
FDA advisory opinion
of 8/18/83 or from
Rhizopus oryzae per
21 CFR 173.130 or
from Bacillus
licheniformis per 21
CFR 184.1027.Carbohydrase (beta- Amylase).. To convent The amylase enzyme
starches to activity shall be
fermentable derived from barley
carbohydrates. malt per FDA
advisory opinion
dated 8/18/83.Carbohydrase (Glucoamylase, To convent The amylase enzyme
Amylogluco-sidase). starches to actvity shall be
fermentable derived from
carbohydrates. Aspergillus niger or
Aspergillus oryzae
per FDA advisory
opinion dated 8/18/
83 or from Rhizopus
oryzae per 21 CFR
173.130 or from
Rhizopus niveus per
21 CFR 173.110.Copper sulfate................ To eliminate The finished brandy
hydrogen sulfide or wine spirits
and mercaptans. produced from
distilling material
to which copper
sulfate has been
added shall not
contain more than 2
parts per million (2
mg/L) residual
copper. GRAS per FDA
advisory opinion of
7/23/69.Hydrogen peroxide............. To reduce the The amount used shall
bisulfite not exceed 200 parts
aldehyde complex per million. 21 CFR
in distilling 184.1366 (GRAS).
material.Potassium permanganate........ Oxidizing agent.. The finished brandy
or wine spirits
produced from
distilling material
to which potassium
permanganate has
been added must be
free of chemical
residue resulting
from such treatment.
(GRAS)Sodium hydroxide.............. Acid neutralizing The finished brandy
agent. or wine spirits
produced from
distilling material
to which sodium
hydroxide has been
added must be free
of chemical residue
resulting from such
treatment. 21 CFR
184.1763 (GRAS).
Sulfuric acid................. To effect 27 CFR 24.216 (GRAS),
favorable yeast 21 CFR 184.1095
development in (GRAS).
material; to
fermentation of
the sugar in
wine being
accumulated as
material; to
lower pH to 2.5
in order to
putrefaction and/
or ethyl acetate
development.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ GRAS--An acronym for ``generally recognized as safe.'' The term
means that the treating material has an FDA listing in title 21, Code
of Federal Regulations, part 182 or part 184, or is considered to be
generally recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1383, as amended (26 U.C.S. 5381, 5382, 5385, 5386, and 5387)). [T.D. ATF-299, 55 FR 24989, June 19, 1990, as amended by T.D. ATF-409, 64 FR 13683, Mar. 22, 1999]