(a) General. Beer, produced in the United States, on which the brewer has paid or determined the tax may be returned to any brewery of the brewer. Upon return of the beer to the brewery, the brewer shall determine the actual quantity of beer received, expressed in barrels. For cases or bottles, the label may be used to determine the quantity. When kegs or cases containing less than the original contents are received, the brewer shall determine the actual quantity of beer by weight or by other accurate means. The brewer shall determine the balling and alcohol content of returned keg beer unless the keg is equipped with tamper-proof fittings. The quantity of beer returned may be established by weighing individual packages and subtracting package weight, or by weighing accumulated beer and subtracting tare weight of dumpsters, pallets, packages and the like.
(b) Disposition of returned beer. The brewer may dispose of beer returned under this subpart in any manner prescribed for beer which has never left the brewery. If returned beer is again removed for consumption or sale, tax will be determined and paid without respect to the tax which was determined or paid at the time of prior removal of the beer.
(c) Records. For beer returned to the brewery under this subpart, the brewer's daily records under Sec. 25.292 will show:
(1) Date;
(2) Quantity of beer returned;
(3) If the title to the beer has passed, the name and address of the person returning the beer; and
(4) Name and address of the brewery from which the beer was removed, if different from the brewery to which returned.
(d) Supporting records. The records of returned beer will be supported by invoices, credit memoranda or other commercial papers, and will differentiate beween beer returned to the brewery from which removed and beer returned to a brewery different from the one from which removed. (Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1334, as amended, 1335, as amended, 1390, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5054, 5056, 5415))