(a) Designation. When bottled or packaged, cereal beverage may be designated ``Cereal Beverage,'' ``Malt Beverage,'' ``Near Beer,'' or other distinctive name. If designated ``Near Beer,'' those words will be printed identically in the same size or style of type, in the same color of ink, and on the same background.
(b) Barrels and kegs. A brewer may remove cereal beverage in barrels and kegs if the sides are durably painted at each end with a white stripe not less than 4 inches in width and the heads are painted in a solid color, with conspicuous lettering in a contrasting color reading ``Nontaxable under section 5051 I.R.C.'' The brewer shall also legibly mark the brewer's name or trade name and the address on the container.
(c) Bottles. Bottle labels shall show the name or trade name and address of the brewer, the distinctive name of the beverage, if any, and the legend ``Nontaxable under section 5051 I.R.C.'' Other information which is not inconsistent with the requirements of this section may be shown on bottle lablels.
(d) Cases. The brewer shall mark cases or shipping containers to show the nature of the product and the name or trade name and address of the brewer. (Sec. 201, Pub. L. 85-859, 72 Stat. 1389, as amended (26 U.S.C. 5411))