(a) General. If a proprietor does not have an approved bond covering the deferred payment of taxes, or if such bond is in an insufficient penal sum, or if there is default by him in any payment of tax under this subpart, liquors shall not be released from bonded storage before the proprietor has paid the tax thereon.
(b) Remittances. Remittances submitted to cover prepayment of taxes under this subpart shall be in cash, United States postal money orders, certified checks, or cashier's checks.
(c) Distilled spirits. In all cases where taxes equal to the taxes imposed in the United States by 26 U.S.C. 5001(a)(1) are to be paid before distilled spirits may be released for shipment, the proprietor shall pay such taxes pursuant to a return on TTB Form 5000.25, as prescribed in Sec. 26.81.
(d) Wine. In all cases where taxes equal to the taxes imposed in the United States by 26 U.S.C. 5041, are to be paid before wine may be withdrawn from bonded storage, the proprietor shall pay such taxes pursuant to a return on TTB Form 5000.25, and as prescribed in Sec. 26.96.
(e) Beer. In all cases where taxes equal to the taxes imposed in the United States by 26 U.S.C. 5051, are to be paid before beer may be withdrawn from bonded storage, the brewer shall pay such taxes pursuant to a return on TTB Form 5000.25, and as prescribed in Sec. 26.105.
(f) Applicable procedures. The procedures of Sec. 26.112(c) with respect to returns delivered by United States mail shall apply to returns and remittances filed under the provisions of this section. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1512-0497) [20 FR 6077, Aug. 20, 1955]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 26.113, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.
Permit To Ship Liquors and Articles