Where a change of consignee is desired after the liquors (including specially denatured spirits) have been removed from the shipping premises, the exporter shall notify the appropriate officer to whom the shipment is required by Sec. Sec. 28.241-28.245 to be consigned or in whose care it is required to be shipped, and forward a copy of such notification to the appropriate TTB officer. Such notice shall identify the withdrawal or claim form, as the case may be, covering the shipment. (72 Stat. 1334, 1335, 1336, 1362, 1380; 26 U.S.C. 5053, 5055, 5062, 5214, 5362) [T.D. 7002, 34 FR 1599, Feb. 1, 1969. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975 and amended by T.D. TTB-8, 69 FR 3834, Jan. 27, 2004]
Bills of Lading