(a) Take inventory. The dealer must establish the quantity of articles subject to the floor stocks tax held for sale on April 1, 2009. The dealer may take a physical inventory or may use a record (book) inventory, as specified in Sec. 46.202 or Sec. 46.203.
(b) Compute tax. The dealer must compute the amount of tax for the articles held for sale on April 1, 2009. Refer to the table in Sec. 46.222. The dealer may apply the tax credit as provided in Sec. 46.223.
(c) File tax return and pay tax. After computing the floor stocks tax, the dealer must file a return even if no tax is due. See Sec. 46.233 for payment methods if tax is due.
(d) Maintain records. The dealer must maintain all records used to determine the quantity of articles subject to floor stocks tax and the quantity of articles held for sale on April 1, 2009 that are not subject to floor stocks tax. The dealer must also maintain records of all computations used to determine the amount of tax owed. Refer to Sec. 46.241. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1513-0129)