(a) Requirement. Distilled spirits shall not be bottled or removed from a plant, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, unless the proprietor possesses a certificate of label approval, TTB Form 5100.31, covering the labels on the bottle, issued by the appropriate TTB officer pursuant to application on such form. Application for certificates of label approval covering labels for imported gin bearing the word ``distilled'' as a part of the designation shall be accompanied by a statement prepared by the manufacturer setting forth a step-by-step description of the manufacturing process.
(b) Exemption. Any bottler of distilled spirits shall be exempt from the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section and Sec. 5.56 if the bottler possesses a certificate of exemption from label approval, TTB Form 5100.31, issued by the appropriate TTB officer pursuant to application on that Form showing that the distilled spirits to be bottled are not to be sold, offered for sale, or shipped or delivered for shipment, or otherwise introduced into interstate or foreign commerce.
(c) Miscellaneous. Photoprints or other reproductions of certificates of label approval, or certificates of exemption are not acceptable as substitutes for an original or duplicate original (issued, on request, by the appropriate TTB officer) of a certificate. The original or duplicate original of such certificates shall, on demand, be exhibited to an authorized officer of the U.S. Government.
(d) Cross reference. For procedures regarding the issuance, denial, and revocation of certificates of label approval and certificates of exemption from label approval, as well as appeal procedures, see part 13 of this chapter. [T.D. ATF-66, 45 FR 40550, June 13, 1980, as amended by T.D. ATF-94, 46 FR 55097, Nov. 6, 1981; T.D. ATF-242, 51 FR 39525, Oct. 29, 1986; T.D. ATF-406, 64 FR 2129, Jan. 13, 1999]