(a) Allocation to States. Funds shall be allocated annually among the States on the basis of relative population of persons under age eighteen. If the amount allocated for Title II (other than parts D and E) of the JJDP Act is less than $75 million, the amount allocated to each State will not be less than $325,000, nor more than $400,000, provided that no State receives less than its allocation for FY 1992. The territories will receive not less than $75,000 or more than $100,000. If the amount appropriated for Title II (other than parts D and E) is $75 million or more, the amount allocated for each State will be not less than $400,000, nor more than $600,000, provided that parts D and E have been funded in the full amounts authorized. For the Territories, the amount is fixed at $100,000. For each of FY's 1994 and 1995, the minimum allocation is established at $600,000 for States and $100,000 for Territories.
(b) Funds for local use. At least two-thirds of the formula grant application to the state (other than the section 222(d) State Advisory Group set aside) must be used for programs by local government, local private agencies, and eligible Indian tribes, unless the State applies for and is granted a waiver by the OJJDP. The proportion of pass-through funds to be made available to eligible Indian tribes shall be based upon that proportion of the state youth population under 18 years of age who reside in geographical areas where the tribes perform law enforcement functions. Pursuant to section 223(a)(5)(C) of the JJDP Act, each of the standards set forth in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section must be met in order to establish the eligibility of Indian tribes to receive pass through funds:
(1)(i) The tribal entity must be recognized by the Secretary of the Interior as an Indian tribe that performs law enforcement functions as defined in paragraph (b) (2) of this section.
(i) The tribal entity must be recognized by the Secretary of the Interior as an Indian tribe that performs law enforcement functions as defined in paragraph (b) (2) of this section.
(ii) The tribal entity must agree to attempt to comply with the requirements of section 223(a)(12)(A), (13), and (14) of the JJDP Act; and
(iii) The tribal entity must identify the juvenile justice needs to be served by these funds within the geographical area where the tribe performs law enforcement functions.
(2) Law enforcement functions are deemed to include those activities pertaining to the custody of children, including, but not limited to, police efforts to prevent, control, or reduce crime and delinquency or to apprehend criminal and delinquent offenders, and/or activities of adult and juvenile corrections, probation, or parole authorities.
(3) To carry out this requirement, OJJDP will annually provide each state with the most recent Bureau of Census statistics on the number of persons under age 18 living within the state, and the number of persons under age 18 who reside in geographical areas where Indian tribes perform law enforcement functions.
(4) Pass-through funds available to tribal entities under section 223(a)(5)(C) shall be made available within states to Indian tribes, combinations of Indian tribes, or to an organization or organizations designated by such tribe(s), that meet the standards set forth in paragraphs (b)(1)(i)-(iii) of this section. Where the relative number of persons under age 18 within a geographic area where an Indian tribe performs law enforcement functions is too small to warrant an individual subgrant or subgrants, the state may, after consultation with the eligible tribe(s), make pass-through funds available to a combination of eligible tribes within the state, or to an organization or organizations designated by and representing a group of qualifying tribes, or target the funds on the larger tribal jurisdictions within the state.
(5) Consistent with section 223(a)(4) of the JJDP Act, the state must provide for consultation with Indian tribes or a combination of eligible tribes within the state, or an organization or organizations designated by qualifying tribes, in the development of a state plan which adequately takes into account the juvenile justice needs and requests of those Indian tribes within the state.
(c) Match. Formula grants under the JJDP Act shall be 100% of approved costs, with the exception of planning and administration funds, which require a 100 percent cash match (dollar for dollar), and construction projects funded under section 299C(a)(2) which also require a 100 percent cash match.
(d) Funds for administration. Not more than ten percent of the total annual Formula Grant award may be utilized to develop the annual juvenile justice plan and pay for administrative expenses, including project monitoring. These funds are to be matched on a dollar for dollar basis. The State shall make available needed funds for planning and administration to units of local government on an equitable basis. Each annual application must identify uses of such funds.
(e) Nonparticipating States. Pursuant to section 223(d), the OJJDP Administrator shall endeavor to make the fund allotment under section 222(a), of a State which chooses not to participate or loses its eligibility to participate in the formula grant program, directly available to local public and private nonprofit agencies within the nonparticipating State. The funds may be used only for the purpose(s) of achieving deinstitutionalization of status offenders and nonoffenders, separation of juveniles from incarcerated adults, removal of juveniles from adult jails and lockups, and reducing the disproportionate confinement of minority youth in secure facilities. Absent a request for extension which demonstrates compelling circumstances justifying the reallocation of formula grant funds back to the State to which the funds were initially allocated, or the proceedings under section 223(d), formula grant funds allocated to a State which has failed to submit an application, plan, or monitoring data establishing its eligibility for the funds will, beginning with FY 1995 be reallocated to the nonparticipating State program on September 30 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated. Reallocated funds will be competitively awarded to eligible recipients pursuant to program announcements published in the Federal Register.