(a) Upon the filing of the approval (under subpart E of this part) of a claim, the Director shall review the same.
(b) The Director may review--
(1) Any claim denial made under subpart E of this part; and
(2) Any claim approval made under the Act, at 42 U.S.C. 3796c-1 or Public Law 107-37.
(c) Unless the Director judges that it would be unnecessary, the PSOB Office shall serve notice upon the claimant (and upon any other claimant who may have filed a claim with respect to the same public safety officer) of the initiation of a review under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. Unless the Director judges that it would be unnecessary, such notice shall--
(1) Indicate the principal factual findings or legal conclusions at issue; and
(2) Offer a reasonable opportunity for filing of evidence or legal arguments.