(a) No payment shall be made to (or on behalf of) more than one individual, on the basis of being a particular public safety officer's spouse. If more than one should qualify, payment shall be made to the one with whom the officer considered himself, as of the injury date, to have the closest relationship, except that the individual (if any) who was a member of the officer's household (as of such date) shall be presumed rebuttably to be such one, unless legal proceedings (by the officer against such member, or vice versa) shall have been pending then in any court.
(b) No payment shall be made, save--
(1) To (or on behalf of) a living beneficiary; and
(2) Pursuant to--
(i) A written claim filed by (or on behalf of) such beneficiary; and
(ii) Except as provided in the Act, at 42 U.S.C. 3796(c), approval of such claim.
(c) Any amounts that would be paid but for the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall be retained by the United States and not paid.
(d) With respect to the amount paid to a payee (or on his behalf) pursuant to a claim, the payee shall repay the following, unless, for good cause shown, the Director grants a full or partial waiver pursuant to the Act, at 42 U.S.C. 3796(m):
(1) The entire amount, if approval of the claim was based, in whole or in material part, on the payee's (or any other person's or entity's) fraud, concealment or withholding of evidence or information, false, incomplete, or inaccurate statements or representations, mistake, wrongdoing, or deception; or
(2) The entire amount subject to divestment, if the payee's entitlement to such payment is divested, in whole or in part, such as by the subsequent discovery of individuals entitled to make equal or superior claims.
(e) At the discretion of the Director, repayment of amounts owing or collectible under the Act or this part may, as applicable, be executed through setoffs against future payments on financial claims under subpart D of this part. [73 FR 76532, Dec. 17, 2008]