(a) A registrant shall pay a registration fee with each initial registration statement filed under Sec. 5.200 and each supplemental registration statement under Sec. 5.203 at the time such registration statement is filed. The registration fee may be paid by cash or by check or money order made payable to ``FARA Registration Unit''. The Registration Unit, in its discretion, may require that the fee be paid by a certified or cashier's check or by a United States Postal money order.
(b) Payment of fees shall accompany any order for copies or request for information, and all applicable fees shall be collected before copies or information will be made available. Payment may be made by cash or by check or money order made payable to ``FARA Registration Unit''. The Registration Unit, in its discretion, may require that the fee be paid by a certified or cashier's check or by a United States Postal money order.
(c) Registration fees shall be waived in whole or in part, as appropriate, in the case of any individual person required to register under the Act who has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Registration Unit that he or she is financially unable to pay the fees in their entirety. An individual seeking to avail himself or herself of this provision shall file with the registration statement a declaration made in compliance with section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, setting forth the information required by Form 4, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (28 U.S.C. appendix).
(d) The fees shall be as follows:
(1) For initial registration statements (including an exhibit A for one foreign principal) under Sec. 5.200: $305.00;
(2) For supplemental registration statements under Sec. 5.203: $305.00 per foreign principal;
(3) For exhibit A under Sec. 5.201(a)(1): $305.00 per foreign principal not currently reported under Sec. 5.200 or Sec. 5.203;
(4) For exhibit B under Sec. 5.201(a)(2): no fee;
(5) For exhibits C and D (no forms) under Sec. 5.201: no fee;
(6) For short-form registration statements under Sec. 5.202: no fee;
(7) For amendments under Sec. 5.204; no fee;
(8) For statements of present enforcement intentions under Sec. 5.2: $96.00 per review request;
(9) For each quarter hour of search time under Sec. 5.601: $4.00;
(10) For copies of registration statements and supplements, amendments, exhibits thereto, dissemination reports, informational materials, and copies of political propaganda and other materials contained in the public files, under Sec. 5.601: fifty cents ($.50) per copy of each page of the material requested;
(11) For copies of registration statements and supplements, amendments, exhibits thereto, dissemination reports, informational materials, and copies of political propaganda and other materials contained in the public files, produced by computer, such as tapes or printouts, under Sec. 5.601: actual direct cost of producing the copy, including the apportionable salary costs; and
(12) For computer searches of records through the use of existing programming: Direct actual costs, including the cost of operating a central processing unit for that portion of operating time that is directly attributable to searching for records responsive to a request and the salary costs apportionable to the search.
(e) The cost of delivery of any document by the Registration Unit by any means other than ordinary mail shall be charged to the requester at a rate sufficient to cover the expense to the Registration Unit.
(f) The Assistant Attorney General is hereby authorized to adjust the fees established by this section from time to time to reflect and recover the costs of the administration of the Registration Unit under the Act.
(g) Fees collected under this provision shall be available for the support of the Registration Unit.
(h) Notwithstanding Sec. 5.3, no document required to be filed under the Act shall be deemed to have been filed unless it is accompanied by the applicable fee except as provided by paragraph (c) of this section. [Order No. 1757-93, 58 FR 37419, July 12, 1993, as amended by Order No. 2674-2003, 68 FR 33630, June 5, 2003]