(a) Inmates who perform exceptional services not ordinarily a part of the inmate's regular assignment may be granted a special award regardless of the inmate's work or program status. Examples of actions which may result in the inmate being considered for a special award are the following:
(1) An act of heroism.
(2) Voluntary acceptance and satisfactory performance of an unusually hazardous assignment.
(3) An act which protects the lives of employees or inmates, or the property of the United States. (This does not apply to informants.)
(4) Suggestions which result in substantial improvements or cost-savings in institutional programs or operations.
(5) Other exceptionally meritorious or outstanding services consistent with the general character of the preceding cases.
(b) The special award may be given in the form of a monetary payment in addition to any other award (e.g., extra good time) given.
(c) The Warden of each institution is empowered to approve special awards not exceeding $150. Awards in excess of this amount may not be made unless approved by the Regional Director. [49 FR 38915, Oct. 1, 1984. Redesignated and amended at 56 FR 23478, 23479, May 21, 1991]