These guidelines may be modified from time to time on the basis of experience under the Act and comments received from interested parties. The Attorney General therefore invites public comments and suggestions on these guidelines. Any party who wishes to make such suggestions or comments may do so by sending them to: Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.
Sec. Appendix to Part 55--Jurisdictions Covered Under Sections 4(f)(4)
and 203(c) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as Amended [Applicable
language minority group(s)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------Jurisdiction Coverage under sec. Coverage under sec.
4(f)(4) \1\ 203(c) \2\------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Coverage determinations for Section 4(f)(4) were published at 40 FR
43746 (Sept. 23, 1975), 40 FR 49422 (Oct. 22, 1975), 41 FR 783 (Jan.
5, 1976) (corrected at 41 FR 1503 (Jan. 8, 1976)), and 41 FR 34329
(Aug. 13, 1976). The Voting Section maintains a current list of those
jurisdictions that have maintained successful declaratory judgments
from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia
pursuant to section 4 of the Act on its Web site at http:// See Sec. 55.7 of this part.\2\ Coverage determinations for Section 203 based on 2000 Census data
were published at 67 FR 48871 (July 26, 2002). Subsequent coverage
determinations for Section 203 will be based on 2010 American
Community Survey census data and subsequent American Community Survey
data in 5-year increments, or comparable census data. See section
203(b)(2)(A). New coverage determinations for Section 203 by the
Director of the Census Bureau are forthcoming. [Order 3291-2011, 76 FR 54112, Aug. 31, 2011]