(a) Half of the total amount of funds appropriated to carry out subtitle A for each of the fiscal years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000 will be made available for Truth in Sentencing Incentive Grants.
(b) Eligibility. To be eligible to receive such a grant, a state, or states organized as multi-state compacts, must meet the requirements of Sec. 91.3 and must demonstrate that the state(s)--
(1) Has in effect laws which require that persons convicted of violent crimes serve not less than 85% of the sentence imposed; or
(2) Since 1993--
(i) Has increased the percentage of convicted violent offenders sentenced to prison;
(ii) Has increased the average prison time which will be served in prison by convicted violent offenders sentenced to prison;
(iii) Has increased the percentage of sentence which will be served in prison by violent offenders sentenced to prison; and
(iv) Has in effect at the time of application laws requiring that a person who is convicted of a violent crime shall serve not less than 85% of the sentence imposed if--
(A) The person has been convicted on 1 or more prior occasions in a court of the United States or of a state of a violent crime or a serious drug offense; and
(B) Each violent crime or serious drug offense was committed after the defendant's conviction of the preceding violent crime or serious drug offense.
(c) Formula allocation. The amount available to carry out this section for any fiscal year will be allocated to each eligible state in the ratio that the number of Part 1 violent crimes reported by such state to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 1993 bears to the number of Part 1 violent crimes reported by all states to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 1993.
(d) Transfer of unused funds. On September 30 of each fiscal years 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2000, the Attorney General will transfer to the funds to be allocated under the Violent Offender Incarceration Grant formula allocation (section 91.5) any funds made available to carry out this section that are not allocated to an eligible state under paragraph (b) of this section.