(a) Requests for the National Mediation Board to appoint neutrals or party representatives should be made on NMB Form 5.
(b) Those authorized to sign request on behalf on parties:
(1) The ``representative of any craft or class of employees of a carrier,'' as referred to in Public Law 89-456, making request for Mediation Board action, shall be either the General Chairman, Grand Lodge Officer (or corresponding officer of equivalent rank), or the Chief Executive of the representative involved. A request signed by a General Chairman or Grand Lodge Officer (or corresponding officer of equivalent rank) shall bear the approval of the Chief Executive of the employee representative.
(2) The ``carrier representative'' making such a request for the Mediation Board's action shall be the highest carrier officer designated to handle matters arising under the Railway Labor Act.
(c) Docketing of PL Board agreements: The National Mediation Board will docket agreements establishing PL Board, which agreements meet the requirements of coverage as specified in Public Law 89-456. No neutral will be appointed under Sec. 1207.1(c) until the agreement establishing the PL Board has been docketed by the Mediation Board.