(a) General requirements-(1) Application. This section is intended to prescribe rules and requirements for the design, construction, and use of mobile work platforms (including ladder stands but not including aerial ladders) and rolling (mobile) scaffolds (towers). This standard is promulgated to aid in providing for the safety of life, limb, and property, by establishing minimum standards for structural design requirements and for the use of mobile work platforms and towers.
(1) Application. This section is intended to prescribe rules and requirements for the design, construction, and use of mobile work platforms (including ladder stands but not including aerial ladders) and rolling (mobile) scaffolds (towers). This standard is promulgated to aid in providing for the safety of life, limb, and property, by establishing minimum standards for structural design requirements and for the use of mobile work platforms and towers.
(2) Working loads. (i) Work platforms and scaffolds shall be capable of carrying the design load under varying circumstances depending upon the conditions of use. Therefore, all parts and appurtenances necessary for their safe and efficient utilization must be integral parts of the design.
(i) Work platforms and scaffolds shall be capable of carrying the design load under varying circumstances depending upon the conditions of use. Therefore, all parts and appurtenances necessary for their safe and efficient utilization must be integral parts of the design.
(ii) Specific design and construction requirements are not a part of this section because of the wide variety of materials and design possibilities. However, the design shall be such as to produce a mobile ladder stand or scaffold that will safely sustain the specified loads. The material selected shall be of sufficient strength to meet the test requirements and shall be protected against corrosion or deterioration.
(a) The design working load of ladder stands shall be calculated on the basis of one or more 200-pound persons together with 50 pounds of equipment each.
(b) The design load of all scaffolds shall be calculated on the basis of: Light-Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 25 pounds per square foot.Medium-Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 50 pounds per square foot. Heavy-Designed and constructed to carry a working load of 75 pounds per square foot. All ladder stands and scaffolds shall be capable of supporting at least four times the design working load.
(iii) The materials used in mobile ladder stands and scaffolds shall be of standard manufacture and conform to standard specifications of strength, dimensions, and weights, and shall be selected to safely support the design working load.
(iv) Nails, bolts, or other fasteners used in the construction of ladders, scaffolds, and towers shall be of adequate size and in sufficient numbers at each connection to develop the designed strength of the unit. Nails shall be driven full length. (All nails should be immediately withdrawn from dismantled lumber.)
(v) All exposed surfaces shall be free from sharp edges, burrs or other safety hazards.
(3) Work levels. (i) The maximum work level height shall not exceed four (4) times the minimum or least base dimensions of any mobile ladder stand or scaffold. Where the basic mobile unit does not meet this requirement, suitable outrigger frames shall be employed to achieve this least base dimension, or provisions shall be made to guy or brace the unit against tipping.
(i) The maximum work level height shall not exceed four (4) times the minimum or least base dimensions of any mobile ladder stand or scaffold. Where the basic mobile unit does not meet this requirement, suitable outrigger frames shall be employed to achieve this least base dimension, or provisions shall be made to guy or brace the unit against tipping.
(ii) The minimum platform width for any work level shall not be less than 20 inches for mobile scaffolds (towers). Ladder stands shall have a minimum step width of 16 inches.
(iii) The supporting structure for the work level shall be rigidly braced, using adequate cross bracing or diagonal bracing with rigid platforms at each work level.
(iv) The steps of ladder stands shall be fabricated from slip resistant treads.
(v) The work level platform of scaffolds (towers) shall be of wood, aluminum, or plywood planking, steel or expanded metal, for the full width of the scaffold, except for necessary openings. Work platforms shall be secured in place. All planking shall be 2-inch (nominal) scaffold grade minimum 1,500 f. (stress grade) construction grade lumber or equivalent.
(vi) All scaffold work levels 10 feet or higher above the ground or floor shall have a standard (4-inch nominal) toeboard.
(vii) All work levels 10 feet or higher above the ground or floor shall have a guardrail of 2- by 4-inch nominal or the equivalent installed no less than 36 inches or more than 42 inches high, with a mid-rail, when required, of 1- by 4-inch nominal lumber or equivalent.
(viii) A climbing ladder or stairway shall be provided for proper access and egress, and shall be affixed or built into the scaffold and so located that its use will not have a tendency to tip the scaffold. A landing platform shall be provided at intervals not to exceed 30 feet.
(4) Wheels or casters. (i) Wheels or casters shall be properly designed for strength and dimensions to support four (4) times the design working load.
(i) Wheels or casters shall be properly designed for strength and dimensions to support four (4) times the design working load.
(ii) All scaffold casters shall be provided with a positive wheel and/or swivel lock to prevent movement. Ladder stands shall have at least two (2) of the four (4) casters and shall be of the swivel type.
(iii) Where leveling of the elevated work platform is required, screw jacks or other suitable means for adjusting the height shall be provided in the base section of each mobile unit.
(b) Mobile tubular welded frame scaffolds-(1) General. Units shall be designed to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) General. Units shall be designed to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Bracing. Scaffolds shall be properly braced by cross braces and/or diagonal braces for securing vertical members together laterally. The cross braces shall be of a length that will automatically square and align vertical members so the erected scaffold is always plumb, square, and rigid.
(3) Spacing. Spacing of panels or frames shall be consistent with the loads imposed. The frames shall be placed one on top of the other with coupling or stacking pins to provide proper vertical alignment of the legs.
(4) Locking. Where uplift may occur, panels shall be locked together vertically by pins or other equivalent means.
(5) Erection. Only the manufacturer of a scaffold or his qualified designated agent shall be permitted to erect or supervise the erection of scaffolds exceeding 50 feet in height above the base, unless such structure is approved in writing by a registered professional engineer, or erected in accordance with instructions furnished by the manufacturer.
(c) Mobile tubular welded sectional folding scaffolds-(1) General. Units including sectional stairway and sectional ladder scaffolds shall be designed to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) General. Units including sectional stairway and sectional ladder scaffolds shall be designed to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Stairway. An integral stairway and work platform shall be incorporated into the structure of each sectional folding stairway scaffold.
(3) Bracing. An integral set of pivoting and hinged folding diagonal and horizontal braces and a detachable work platform shall be incorporated into the structure of each sectional folding ladder scaffold.
(4) Sectional folding stairway scaffolds. Sectional folding stairway scaffolds shall be designed as medium duty scaffolds except for high clearance. These special base sections shall be designed as light duty scaffolds. When upper sectional folding stairway scaffolds are used with a special high clearance base, the load capacity of the entire scaffold shall be reduced accordingly. The width of a sectional folding stairway scaffold shall not exceed 4\1/2\ feet. The maximum length of a sectional folding stairway scaffold shall not exceed 6 feet.
(5) Sectional folding ladder scaffolds. Sectional folding ladder scaffolds shall be designed as light duty scaffolds including special base (open end) sections which are designed for high clearance. For certain special applications the six-foot (6[foot]) folding ladder scaffolds, except for special high clearance base sections, shall be designed for use as medium duty scaffolds. The width of a sectional folding ladder scaffold shall not exceed 4\1/2\ feet. The maximum length of a sectional folding ladder scaffold shall not exceed 6 feet 6 inches for a six-foot (6[foot]) long unit, 8 feet 6 inches for an eight-foot (8[foot]) unit or 10 feet 6 inches for a ten-foot (10[foot]) long unit.
(6) End frames. The end frames of sectional ladder and stairway scaffolds shall be designed so that the horizontal bearers provide supports for multiple planking levels.
(7) Erection. Only the manufacturer of the scaffold or his qualified designated agent shall be permitted to erect or supervise the erection of scaffolds exceeding 50 feet in height above the base, unless such structure is approved in writing by a licensed professional engineer, or erected in accordance with instructions furnished by the manufacturer.
(d) Mobile tube and coupler scaffolds-(1) Design. Units shall be designed to comply with the applicable requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) Design. Units shall be designed to comply with the applicable requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Material. The material used for the couplers shall be of a structural type, such as a drop-forged steel, malleable iron or structural grade aluminum. The use of gray cast iron is prohibited.
(3) Erection. Only the manufacturer of the scaffold or his qualified designated agent shall be permitted to erect or supervise the erection of scaffolds exceeding 50 feet in height above the base, unless such structure is approved in writing by a licensed professional engineer, or erected in accordance with instructions furnished by the manufacturer.
(e) Mobile work platforms-(1) Design. Units shall be designed for the use intended and shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) Design. Units shall be designed for the use intended and shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Base width. The minimum width of the base of mobile work platforms shall not be less than 20 inches.
(3) Bracing. Adequate rigid diagonal bracing to vertical members shall be provided.
(f) Mobile ladder stands-(1) Design. Units shall comply with applicable requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) Design. Units shall comply with applicable requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Base width. The minimum base width shall conform to paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section. The maximum length of the base section shall be the total length of combined steps and top assembly, measured horizontally, plus five-eighths inch per step of rise.
(3) Steps. Steps shall be uniformly spaced, and sloped, with a rise of not less than nine (9) inches, nor more than ten (10) inches, and a depth of not less seven (7) inches. The slope of the steps section shall be a minimum of fifty- five (55) degrees and a maximum of sixty (60) degrees measured from the horizontal.
(4) Handrails. (i) Units having more than five (5) steps or 60 inches vertical height to the top step shall be equipped with handrails.
(i) Units having more than five (5) steps or 60 inches vertical height to the top step shall be equipped with handrails.
(ii) Handrails shall be a minimum of 29 inches high. Measurements shall be taken vertically from the center of the step.
(5) Loading. The load (see paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(a) of this section) shall be applied uniformly to a 3\1/2\ inches wide area front to back at the center of the width span with a safety factor of four (4).