(a) Guards. (1) Danger zones at or adjacent to conveyors shall be guarded to protect employees.
(1) Danger zones at or adjacent to conveyors shall be guarded to protect employees.
(2) An elevated walkway with guardrail or equivalent means of protection shall be provided where employees cross over moving conveyors, and suitable guarding shall be provided when employees pass under moving conveyors.
(b) Moving parts. Conveyor rollers and wheels shall be secured in position.
(c) Positioning. Gravity conveyor sections shall be firmly placed and secured to prevent them from falling.
(d) Braking. (1) When necessary for safe operation, provisions shall be made for braking objects at the delivery end of the conveyor.
(1) When necessary for safe operation, provisions shall be made for braking objects at the delivery end of the conveyor.
(2) Conveyors using electrically released brakes shall be constructed so that the brakes cannot be released until power is applied, and so that the brakes are automatically engaged if the power fails or the operating control is returned to the ``stop'' position.
(e) Stability. Portable conveyors shall be stable within their operating ranges. When used at variable fixed levels, the unit shall be secured at the operating level.
(f) Emergency stop devices. Readily accessible stop controls shall be provided for use in an emergency. Whenever the operation of any power conveyor requires personnel to work in the immediate vicinity of the conveyor, the Conveyor or controls shall not be left unattended while the conveyor is in operation.
(g) Starting powered conveyors. Powered conveyors shall not be started until all employees are clear of the conveyor or have been warned that the conveyor is about to start.
(h) Loading and unloading. The area around conveyor loading and unloading points shall be kept clear of obstructions during conveyor operations.
(i) Lockout/Tagout. (1) Conveyors shall be stopped and their power sources locked out and tagged out during maintenance, repair, and servicing, unless power is necessary for testing.
(1) Conveyors shall be stopped and their power sources locked out and tagged out during maintenance, repair, and servicing, unless power is necessary for testing.
(2) The starting device shall be locked out and tagged out in the stop position before an attempt is made to remove the cause of a jam or overload of the conveying medium, unless it is necessary to have the power on to remove the jam.
(j) Safe practices. (1) Only designated persons shall operate, repair or service powered conveyors.
(1) Only designated persons shall operate, repair or service powered conveyors.
(2) The employer shall direct employees to stay off operating conveyors.
(3) Conveyors shall be operated only with all overload devices, guards and safety devices in place and operable. [48 FR 30909, July 5, 1983, as amended at 62 FR 40200, July 25, 1997]