All gear certification functions shall be performed by competent persons as set forth in the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Functions Competent person------------------------------------------------------------------------Any testing, examination, Responsible individual, surveyor or
inspection, or heat treatment other authorized agent of a person
required in United States ports. accredited by the Administration
under the regulations contained in
this part.Any testing, examination, Responsible individual, surveyor or
inspection, or heat treatment other authorized agent of persons
required while the vessel is in recognized by the Commandant of the
other than United States ports. United States Coast Guard or by a
foreign nation whose certification
is accepted by the Administration
as being in substantial accordance
with Sec. 1918.12(a) of this
chapter.Testing, examination and Employees or authorized agents of
inspection of loose gear or wire persons accredited specifically by
rope; heat treatment of loose the Administration for this purpose
gear. under the regulations contained in
this part, or the manufacturer of
the gear concerned unless
disapproved by the Assistant