(a) Permanently installed overhead and gantry cranes. The requirements of Sec. 1910.179, except for Sec. 1910.179(b)(1), and not the requirements of this subpart CC, apply to the following equipment when used in construction and permanently installed in a facility: overhead and gantry cranes, including semigantry, cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, and others having the same fundamental characteristics.
(b) Overhead and gantry cranes that are not permanently installed in a facility. (1) This paragraph applies to the following equipment when used in construction and not permanently installed in a facility: Overhead and gantry cranes, overhead/bridge cranes, semigantry, cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, launching gantry cranes, and similar equipment having the same fundamental characteristics, irrespective of whether it travels on tracks, wheels, or other means.
(1) This paragraph applies to the following equipment when used in construction and not permanently installed in a facility: Overhead and gantry cranes, overhead/bridge cranes, semigantry, cantilever gantry, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, launching gantry cranes, and similar equipment having the same fundamental characteristics, irrespective of whether it travels on tracks, wheels, or other means.
(2) The following requirements apply to equipment identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section:
(i) Sections 1926.1400 through 1926.1414; Sec. Sec. 1926.1417 through 1926.1425; Sec. 1926.1426(d), Sec. Sec. 1926.1427 through 1926.1434; Sec. 1926.1437, Sec. 1926.1439, and Sec. 1926.1441.
(ii) The following portions of Sec. 1910.179:
(A) Paragraphs (b)(5),(6),(7); (e)(1),(3),(5),(6); (f)(1),(4); (g); (h)(1),(3); (k); and (n) of Sec. 1910.179.
(B) The definitions in Sec. 1910.179(a) except for ``hoist'' and ``load.'' For those words, the definitions in Sec. 1926.1401 apply.
(C) Section 1910.179(b)(2), but only where the equipment identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section (Sec. 1926.1438) was manufactured before September 19, 2001.
(iii) For equipment manufactured on or after September 19, 2001, the following sections of ASME B30.2-2005 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 1926.6) apply: 2-1.3.1; 2-1.3.2; 2-1.4.1; 2-1.6; 2-1.7.2; 2-1.8.2; 2-1.9.1; 2-1.9.2; 2-1.11; 2-1.12.2; 2-1.13.7; 2-1.14.2; 2-1.14.3; 2-1.14.5; 2-1.15.; 2-2.2.2; 2- In addition, 2-3.5 applies, except in 2-3.5.1(b), ``29 CFR 1910.147'' is substituted for ``ANSI Z244.1.''