(a) The plan identifies the Utah State Industrial Commission as the State agency designated to administer the plan throughout the State. It defines the covered occupational safety and health issues as defined by the Secretary of Labor in 29 CFR 1902.2(c)(1). The plan states that the Utah Industrial Commission currently is exercising statewide inspection authority to enforce many State standards. It describes procedures for the development and promulgation of additional safety standards, rule making power for enforcement of standards, laws, and orders in all places of employment in the State; the procedures for prompt restraint or elimination of imminent danger conditions; and procedures for inspection in response to complaints. The plan includes proposed draft legislation to be considered by the Utah Legislature during its 1973 session amending title 35, chapter 1 of the Utah State Code and related provisions, to bring them into conformity with the requirements of part 1902. Under this legislation all occupational safety and health standards and amendments thereto which have been promulgated by the Secretary of Labor, except those found in 29 CFR 1910.13, 1910.14, 1910.15, and 1910.16 (ship repairing, shipbuilding, shipbreaking, and longshoring) will, after public hearing by the Utah agency be adopted and enforced by that agency. The plan sets forth a timetable for the proposed adoption of standards. The legislation will give the Utah Industrial Commission full authority to administer and enforce all laws, rules, and orders protecting employee safety and health in all places of employment in the State. It also proposes to bring the plan into conformity in procedures for providing prompt and effective standards for the protection of employees against new and unforeseen hazards and for furnishing information to employees on hazards, precautions, symptoms, and emergency treatment; and procedures for variances and the protection of employees from hazards. The proposed legislation will ensure employer and employee representatives an opportunity to accompany inspectors and call attention to possible violations before, during, and after inspections; protection of employees against discharge or discrimination in terms and conditions of employment; notice to employees of their protections and obligations; adequate safeguards to protect trade secrets; prompt notice to employers and employees of alleged violations of standards and abatement requirements; effective sanctions against employers; and employer's right to review alleged violations, abatement periods, and proposed penalties with opportunity for employee participation in the review proceedings.
(b) Included in the plan is a statement of the Governor's support for the proposed legislation and a statement of legal opinion that it will meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and is consistent with the Constitution and laws of Utah. The plan sets out goals and provides a timetable for bringing it into full conformity with part 1902 of this chapter upon enactment of the proposed legislation by the State legislature.
(c) The plan includes the following documents as of the date of approval:
(1) The plan with appendixes.
(2) A letter from Carlyle F. Gronning, Chairman of the Utah Industrial Commission to the Office of State Programs with an attached memo sheet of clarifications dated October 27, 1972.
(3) A letter from Carlyle F. Gronning to the Office of State Programs dated December 3, 1972, clarifying issues raised in the plan review.
(4) A letter from Carlyle F. Gronning to the Office of Federal and State Operations dated December 11, 1972, clarifying the remaining issues raised in the review process. [38 FR 1179, Jan. 10, 1973, as amended at 50 FR 28780, July 16, 1985]