The Tennessee state plan is developmental. The following is the developmental schedule as provided by the plan:
(a) Formal adoption of Federal standards immediately upon approval of State plan. (Existing State standards were repealed by the enabling legislation). Enforcement of standards commences immediately upon promulgation.
(b) Amendments to legislation to be submitted to 1974 State legislative session.
(c) Regulations for recordkeeping and reporting will be promulgated upon plan approval.
(d) Regulations for inspections, citations, and proposed penalties will be promulgated immediately upon plan approval.
(e) Variances regulations will be promulgated within 60 days of plan approval.
(f) Manual Management data system operational July 1, 1973. Automated Management data system operational January 1, 1974. [38 FR 17840, July 5, 1973. Redesignated at 50 FR 29669, July 22, 1985]