The Alaska plan is developmental. The Schedule of developmental steps (described in the plan as revised in letters dated September 17, 1975, February 10, 1976, and April 15, 1976, from Edmond N. Orbeck, Commissioner, Alaska Department of Labor, to James Lake, Regional Administrator for Occupational Safety and Health) follows:
(a) Promulgation of occupational safety and health standards, as effective as corresponding Federal standards promulgated under chapter XVII of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations by September 1976.
(b) A Compliance Operations Manual for the guidance of compliance personnel will be developed and printed by February 1, 1974.
(c) A Management Information System (MIS) will be developed by October 1, 1974.
(d) An interim training schedule (appendix M) will be initiated by April 1, 1974. An extended training plan of substantially permanent form will be developed and adopted by October 1, 1976.
(e) Complete hiring of industrial health staff by October 1, 1976.
(f) Provide for an Industrial Health laboratory capacity by October 1, 1976.
(g) Adoption of the following regulations by January 30, 1975:
(1) Recordkeeping and Reporting;
(2) Variances;
(3) Exceptions to the prohibitions against advance notice (such exceptions to be no broader than those contained in 29 CFR part 1903);
(4) Clarification of the appropriate parties for employers to notify in order to file a notice of contest;
(5) A definition of imminent danger that mirrors the Federal definition;
(6) A regulation to allow affected employees to participate as parties in hearings. [41 FR 56315, Dec. 28, 1976. Redesignated at 49 FR 38261, Sept. 28, 1984]