The New Mexico State Plan is developmental. The following is the developmental schedule as provided by the plan:
(a) Development of a complete and operating management information and control system by January 1, 1976.
(b) Submission of the State's occupational safety and health poster for approval by January 31, 1976.
(c) Promulgation of Rules of Procedures for administrative review by the New Mexico Occupational Health and Safety Review Commission by January 31, 1976.
(d) Enforcement program to achieve operational status by December 1, 1976.
(e) Amendments to basic legislation to become effective by July 1, 1977.
(f) Public employee program to become operational by July 1, 1977. [40 FR 57456, Dec. 10, 1975. Redesignated at 59 FR 42496, Aug. 18, 1994]