(a) The plan identifies the South Carolina Department of Labor as the State agency designated to administer the plan. It adopts the definition of occupational safety and health issues expressed in Sec. 1902.2(c)(1) of this chapter. The plan states that the Department of Labor has been promulgating safety and health standards. The South Carolina Commissioner of Labor is promulgating all standards and amendments thereto which have been promulgated by the Secretary of Labor, except those found in Secs. 1910.13; 1910.14; 1910.15; and 1910.16 of this chapter (ship repairing, shipbuilding, shipbreaking, and longshoring). The plan describes procedures for the development and promulgation of additional standards, enforcement of such standards, and the prompt restraint or elimination of imminent danger situations. The South Carolina Legislature passed enabling legislation in 1971, a copy of which was submitted with the original plan. Section 40-261 through 40-274 South Carolina Code of Laws, 1962. The amendments to the plan include proposed amendments to this legislation to more fully bring the plan into conformity with the requirements of part 1902. Under the amended legislation, the South Carolina Department of Labor will have full authority to administer and enforce all laws, rules, and orders protecting employee safety and health in all places of employment in the State.
(b) The plan includes a statement of the Governor's support for the legislative amendments and a legal opinion that the amended act will meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and is consistent with the constitution and laws of South Carolina. The plan sets out goals and provides a timetable for bringing it into full conformity with part 1902 upon enactment of the proposed legislative amendments.