The Virgin Islands State plan for public employees only is developmental. The following is a schedule of major developmental steps to be completed:
(a) The Virgin Islands will review and amend its legislation and regulations, as appropriate, to assure proper statutory authority for ``at least as effective'' coverage of all public sector employers and employees including Territorial government employers and employees and any employers or employees of municipalities or other local governmental entities. The plan will be revised to include a legal opinion that the converted plan meets the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and is consistent with the laws of the Virgin Islands. These actions will occur within one year of plan conversion approval.
(b) The Virgin Islands will review and amend its legislation and regulations as necessary to reflect its more limited coverage and to be consistent with formal withdrawal of Federal approval of the private sector portion of the State plan, within one year of plan conversion approval.
(c) The Virgin Islands will review its statutory authority regarding standards adoption and take appropriate legislative or administrative action to assure that it is consistent with 29 CFR part 1953 and that all standards applicable to the public sector will be promulgated within six months of the promulgation date of new Federal OSHA standards, within one year of plan conversion approval.
(d) The Virgin Islands will take appropriate legislative or administrative action to assure effective sanctions, either as monetary penalties, or an alternative mechanism for compelling abatement in the public sector within one year of plan conversion approval.
(e) The Virgin Islands will develop a five-year strategic plan and corresponding annual performance plan within two years of plan conversion approval.
(f) A new State poster will be developed and distributed to reflect coverage of the public sector only within one year of plan conversion approval.
(g) The Virgin Islands will submit a revised State plan, in electronic format to the extent possible, reflecting its coverage of public employers and employees only in accordance with 29 CFR 1956, within one year of plan conversion approval.
(h) The Virgin Islands will hire and provide appropriate training for their public sector compliance and consultation staffs, within one year of plan conversion approval.
(i) The Virgin Islands will develop a public sector consultation program within two years of plan conversion approval.