(a) General. At any time, the Secretary may request the Director of NCI, the Director of NIEHS and/or the Director of NIOSH to convene a scientific review panel (``the panel'') to provide recommendations to the Secretary in the identification, classification, or regulation of any potential occupational carcinogen.
(b) Membership. The panel will consist of individuals chosen by the respective Director(s). The panel will consist of individuals who are appropriately qualified in the disciplines relevant to the issues to be considered, and who are employed by the United States. The panel does not constitute an advisory committee within the meaning of section 6(b) or 7(b) of the Act, or the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 86 Stat. 770).
(c) Report. The Secretary shall request that the panel submit a report of its evaluation within ninety (90) days after the appointment of the members of the panel. The Secretary shall place a copy of the report in the record of any relevant rulemaking undertaken pursuant to this part and allow an appropriate time for public review and comment. If a panel is not established or fails to file a timely report, or if the Secretary determines that it is necessary to proceed without waiting for the panel's report, the Secretary may proceed in making any determination without such report.
(d) Other aid and assistance. Nothing herein precludes the Secretary from obtaining advice or other aid from any person or organization including NCI, NIEHS, and NIOSH.