Except as provided in Sec. 1990.145, after issuance of the advance notice of rulemaking, the proceedings for individual substances under this part shall be limited to consideration of the following issues:
(a) Whether the substance, group of substances or combination of substances subject to the proposed rulemaking is appropriately considered in a single proceeding;
(b) Whether the substance or group of substances subject to the rulemaking meets the definition of a potential occupational carcinogen set forth in Sec. 1990.103, including whether the scientific studies are reliable;
(c) Whether the available data can appropriately be applied to the substance, group of substances or combination of substances covered by the rulemaking;
(d) Whether information, data, and views that are submitted in accordance with Sec. 1990.144 are sufficient to warrant an exception to this part;
(e) Whether the data, views and arguments that are submitted in accordance with Sec. 1990.145 are sufficient to warrant amendment of this part;
(f) Whether the potential occupational carcinogen meets the criteria for a Category I Potential Carcinogen or a Category II Potential Carcinogen.
(g) The environmental impact arising from regulation of the substance;
(h) Any issues required by statute or executive order;
(i) The determination of the level to control exposures to Category I Potential Carcinogens primarily through the use of engineering and work practice controls including technological and economic considerations.
(j) The determination of the appropriate employee exposure level, consistent with the Act's requirements, for Category II Potential Carcinogens;
(k) Whether suitable substitutes are available for one or more uses of Category I Potential Carcinogens and; if so, the no occupational exposure level to be achieved solely with engineering and work practice controls and other issues relevant to substitution; and
(l) Whether the provisions of the proposal and of Secs. 1990.151 and 1990.152 (model standards) are appropriate, except as limited by Sec. 1990.142 and whether additional regulatory provisions may be appropriate. [45 FR 5282, Jan. 22, 1980, as amended at 46 FR 5881, Jan. 21, 1981]