(a) When service is required. At the time of filing pleadings or other documents, a copy thereof shall be served by the filing party or intervenor on every other party or intervenor. Every paper relating to discovery required to be served on a party shall be served on all parties and intervenors. Every order required by its terms to be served shall be served upon each of the parties and intervenors.
(b) Service on represented parties or intervenors. Service upon a party or intervenor who has appeared through a representative shall be made only upon such representative.
(c) How accomplished. Unless otherwise ordered, service may be accomplished by postage pre-paid first class mail at the last known address, by electronic transmission, or by personal delivery. Service is deemed effected at the time of mailing (if by mail), at the time of receipt (if by electronic transmission), or at the time of personal delivery (if by personal delivery). Facsimile transmission of documents and documents sent by an overnight delivery service shall be considered personal delivery. Legibility of documents served by facsimile transmission is the responsibility of the serving party. Documents may be served by electronic transmission only when all parties consent in writing and the certificate of service of the electronic transmission states such consent and the method of transmission. All parties must be electronically served. Electronic service must be accomplished by following the requirements set forth on the Commission's Web site (http://www.OSHRC.gov.).
(d) Proof of service. Proof of service shall be accomplished by a written statement of the same which sets forth the date and manner of service. Such statement shall be filed with the pleading or document.
(e) Proof of posting. Where service is accomplished by posting, proof of such posting shall be filed not later than the first working day following the posting.
(f) Service on represented employees. Service and notice to employees represented by an authorized employee representative shall be deemed accomplished by serving the representative in the manner prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section.
(g) Service on unrepresented employees. In the event that there are any affected employees who are not represented by an authorized employee representative, the employer shall, immediately upon receipt of notice of the docketing of the notice of contest or petition for modification of the abatement period, post, where the citation is required to be posted, a copy of the notice of contest and a notice informing such affected employees of their right to party status and of the availability of all pleadings for inspection and copying at reasonable times. A notice in the following form shall be deemed to comply with this paragraph: (Name of employer)
Your employer has been cited by the Secretary of Labor for violation of
the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The citation
has been contested and will be the subject of a hearing before
employees are entitled to participate in this hearing as
parties under terms and conditions established by the
of Procedure. Notice of intent to participate must be filed no
later than 10 days before the hearing. Any notice of intent to
participate should be sent to: Occupational Safety and Health
Review Commission, Office of the Executive Secretary, One
Lafayette Centre, 1120 20th Street, NW., Suite 980,
Washington, DC 20036-3457. All pleadings relevant to this
matter may be inspected at: (Place reasonably convenient to
employees, preferably at or near workplace.)
Where appropriate, the second sentence of the above notice will be deleted and the following sentence will be substituted:
The reasonableness of the period prescribed by the Secretary of Labor for abatement of the violation has been contested and will be the subject of a hearing before the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION.
(h) Special service requirements; authorized employee representatives. The authorized employee representative, if any, shall be served with the notice set forth in paragraph (g) of this section and with a copy of the notice of contest.
(i) Notice of hearing to unrepresented employees. Immediately upon receipt, a copy of the notice of the hearing to be held before the Judge shall be served by the employer on affected employees who are not represented by an authorized employee representative by posting a copy of the notice of such hearing at or near the place where the citation is required to be posted.
(j) Notice of hearing to represented employees. Immediately upon receipt, a copy of the notice of the hearing to be held before the Judge shall be served by the employer on the authorized employee representative of affected employees in the manner prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, if the employer has not been informed that the authorized employee representative has entered an appearance as of the date such notice is received by the employer.
(k) Employee contest; service on other employees. Where a notice of contest is filed by an affected employee who is not represented by an authorized employee representative and there are other affected employees who are represented by an authorized employee representative, the unrepresented employee shall, upon receipt of the statement filed in conformance with Sec. 2200.38, serve a copy thereof on such authorized employee representative in the manner prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section and shall file proof of such service.
(l) Employee contest; Service on employer. Where a notice of contest is filed by an affected employee or an authorized employee representative, a copy of the notice of contest and response filed in support thereof shall be provided to the employer for posting in the manner prescribed in paragraph (g) of this section.
(m) Employee contest; service on other authorized employee representatives. An authorized employee representative who files a notice of contest shall be responsible for serving any other authorized employee representative whose members are affected employees.
(n) Duration of posting. Where posting is required by this section, such posting shall be maintained until the commencement of the hearing or until earlier disposition. [51 FR 32015, Sept. 8, 1986; 52 FR 13831, Apr. 27, 1987, as amended at 57 FR 41684, Sept. 11, 1992; 58 FR 26065, Apr. 30, 1993; 62 FR 35963, July 3, 1997; 70 FR 22787, May 3, 2005; 70 FR 25652, May 13, 2005]