(a) Section 6(c)(4) of the Act, as amended, limits the six-year phase-in of the statutory minimum wage (``Tier 4'') to those employees with an average wage of less than $4.00 per hour who were brought under minimum wage coverage ``pursuant to an amendment made by the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1985.'' The Department has interpreted this language as referring to section 2(c) of the 1985 FLSA Amendments, which provided for deferred liability for minimum wage violations (until April 15, 1986) ``with respect to any employee who would not have been covered under the Secretary's special enforcement policy'' published in 29 CFR 775.2 and 775.4. The latter subsection listed those functions of State or local government which were determined by the Supreme Court's ruling in National League of Cities v. Usery, 426 U.S. 833 (1976) (subsequently overruled by Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, 469 U.S. 528 (1985)) to be integral operations of the governments in areas of traditional governmental functions. The listed ``traditional'' functions included the following:
(1) Schools.
(2) Hospitals.
(3) Fire prevention.
(4) Police protection.
(5) Sanitation.
(6) Public health.
(7) Parks and recreation.
(8) Libraries.
(9) Museums.
(b) The Supreme Court in National League of Cities clearly did not limit ``traditional'' functions of government to those set out in paragraph (a) of this section. The Court included within this concept all those governmental services which the States and their political subdivisions have traditionally afforded their citizens, which the States have regarded as integral parts of their governmental activities, and which State and local governments are created to provide. The Department interprets the Court's analysis of ``traditional'' functions as turning in large part upon whether the States or local governments had, prior to initial enactment of federal regulatory legislation applicable to a particular field of service or activity (such as FLSA), generally established themselves as providers of the services. The Department therefore views the following government functions as falling within the ``traditional'' category:
(1) Finance (including Auditor, Budget and Comptroller).
(2) Elections.
(3) Personnel.
(4) Public works.
(5) Office of the Mayor.
(6) Legal Affairs.
(7) Planning.
(8) Waterworks.
(9) Social services.
(10) Street and highway construction and maintenance.
(11) Automobile licensing.
(12) Sewage treatment.
(c) Employees whose primary function falls within one or more of the activities listed in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, are therefore considered to be engaged in ``traditional'' functions of government. This would include employees who provide support functions for such activities, such as clerical, secretarial, supply and janitorial.
(d) No employees of a municipality or government corporation may be paid in accordance with the Tier 4 phase-in schedule unless the employee:
(1) Is engaged in one of the specific activities listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, and
(2) Is employed by a municipality or government corporation in which the average wage is less than $4.00 per hour.
Sec. Appendix A to Part 510--Manufacturing Industries Eligible for
Minimum Wage Phase-In
This appendix contains a listing of all manufacturing industries for which data were collected and compiled by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for purposes of implementing the 1989 Amendments to FLSA. This listing follows the order and classifications used in the SIC Manual, 1987, which is incorporated by reference in these regulations (Sec. 510.21).
The data in this appendix are presented by major industry group (two-digit classification), industry group number (three-digit classification), and industry number (four-digit classification). Tiers will not be listed for industry categories in which there were fewer than three employers, in conformance with standard procedures used by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in collecting and publishing these data until such time as Puerto Rico receives appropriate waivers of confidentiality from all employers in such categories. These categories are noted with an ``a'' on the following table. In addition, no tier will be listed where an industry was not included in the original survey, because it was not in existence, because the industry was too small to be included, or for other reasons.
Employers who do not find the four-digit classification for their industry shall refer to the appropriate three-digit classification under which their establishment falls. If the appropriate three-digit classification is not listed, employers shall refer to the appropriate two-digit classification. For example, no tier is listed for industry number 2034, dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soup mixes. Thus, an employer in industry 2034 must use the tier listed for industry group 203, i.e. Tier 2.
Further, employers who find the appropriate four-digit designation in this appendix must use that designation and cannot refer to a two- or three-digit classification. For example, an employer in industry number 2033, canned fruits, vegetables, preserves, jams, and jellies, which has a Tier 1 designation, cannot use the Tier 2 designation of industry group 203, canned, frozen, and preserved fruits, vegetables, and food specialties.
If no four-digit, three-digit, or two-digit classification is listed for an industry, employees in that group must pay the Tier 1 rates.
Important: In referring to this appendix to determine appropriate tier designations, please note that certain categories of employees are subject to treatment under Tier 1 regardless of the average hourly wage rate for the industry and the tier designation contained herein. These employees, as listed in the 1989 Amendments, are those employed by:
(a) The United States
(b) An establishment that is a hotel, motel, or restaurant, or
(c) Any other retail or service establishment that employs such employee in connection with the preparation or offering of food or beverages for human consumption, either on the premises, or by such services as catering, banquet, box lunch, or curb or counter service, to the public, to employees, or to members or guests of clubs.
Please note that these named categories may not correspond exactly to categories established by the SIC manual.
Manufacturing Industries------------------------------------------------------------------------
Major group group Industry Tier Industry
number number------------------------------------------------------------------------20........... ........... ........... 1 Food and kindred
201 ........... 2 Meat products.
........... 2011 2 Meat packing plants.
........... 2013 1 Sausages and other
prepared meat
........... 2015 2 Poultry slaughtering
and processing.
202 ........... 1 Dairy products.
........... 2022 a Natural, processed, and
imitation cheese.
........... 2023 1 Dry, condensed, and
evaporated dairy
........... 2024 1 Ice cream and frozen
........... 2026 1 Fluid milk.
203 ........... 2 Canned, frozen, and
preserved fruits,
vegetables, and food
........... 2032 a Canned specialties.
........... 2033 1 Canned fruits,
vegetables, preserves,
jams, and jellies.
........... 2035 3 Pickled fruits and
vegetables, vegetable
sauces and seasonings,
and salad dressings.
........... 2037 2 Frozen fruits, fruit
juices, and
........... 2038 3 Frozen specialties, not
elsewhere classified.
204 ........... 1 Grain mill products.
........... 2041 a Flour and other grain
mill products.
........... 2043 a Cereal breakfast foods.
........... 2044 1 Rice milling.
........... 2045 1 Prepared flour mixes
and doughs.
........... 2046 1 Wet corn milling.
........... 2048 1 Prepared feeds and feed
ingredients for
animals and fowls,
except dogs and cats.
205 ........... 1 Bakery products.
........... 2051 1 Bread and other bakery
products, except
cookies and crackers.
........... 2052 1 Cookies and crackers.
........... 2053 a Frozen bakery products,
except bread.
206 ........... 1 Sugar and confectionery
........... 2061 1 Cane sugar, except
........... 2062 a Cane sugar refining.
........... 2064 1 Candy and other
........... 2066 3 Chocolate and cocoa
........... 2067 a Chewing gum.
208 ........... 1 Beverages.
........... 2082 1 Malt beverages.
........... 2084 3 Wines, brandy, and
brandy spirits.
........... 2085 1 Distilled and blended
........... 2086 1 Bottled and canned soft
drinks and carbonated
........... 2087 1 Flavoring extracts and
flavoring syrups, not
elsewhere classified.
209 ........... 1 Miscellaneous food
preparations and
kindred products.
........... 2091 1 Canned and cured fish
and seafoods.
........... 2095 2 Roasted coffee.
........... 2096 1 Potato chips, corn
chips, and similar
........... 2097 3 Manufactured ice.
........... 2098 a Macaroni, spaghetti,
vermicelli, and
........... 2099 2 Food preparations, not
elsewhere classified.21........... ........... ........... 1 Tobacco products.
211 ........... a Cigarettes.
........... 2111 a Cigarettes.
212 ........... 1 Cigars.
........... 2121 1 Cigars.
213 ........... 1 Chewing and smoking
tobacco and snuff.
........... 2131 1 Chewing and smoking
tobacco and snuff.
214 ........... a Tobacco stemming and
........... 2141 a Tobacco stemming and
redrying.22........... ........... ........... 1 Textile mill products.
221 ........... 1 Broadwoven fabric
mills, cotton.
........... 2211 1 Broadwoven fabric
mills, cotton.
224 ........... 1 Narrow fabric and other
smallwares mills:
cotton, wool, silk,
and manmade fiber.
........... 2241 1 Narrow fabric and other
smallwares mills:
cotton, wool, silk,
and manmade fiber.
225 ........... 2 Knitting mills.
........... 2251 1 Women's full-length and
knee-length hosiery,
except socks.
........... 2253 2 Knit outerwear mills.
........... 2254 3 Knit underwear and
nightwear mills.
226 ........... 1 Dyeing and finishing
textiles, except wool
fabrics and knit
........... 2261 3 Finishers of broadwoven
fabrics of cotton.
........... 2262 1 Finishers of broadwoven
fabrics of manmade
fiber and silk.
227 ........... 1 Carpets and rugs.
........... 2273 1 Carpets and rugs.
228 ........... 3 Yarn and thread mills.
........... 2281 3 Yarn spinning mills.23........... ........... ........... 2 Apparel and other
finished products made
from fabrics and
similar materials.
231 ........... 3 Men's and boys' suits,
coats, and overcoats.
........... 2311 3 Men's and boys' suits,
coats, and overcoats.
232 ........... 2 Men's and boys'
furnishings, work
clothing, and allied
........... 2321 2 Men's and boys' shirts
except work shirts.
........... 2322 1 Men's and boys'
underwear and
........... 2323 2 Men's and boys'
........... 2325 2 Men's and boys'
separate trousers and
........... 2326 3 Men's and boys' work
........... 2329 3 Men's and boys'
clothing, not
elsewhere classified.
233 ........... 3 Women's, misses', and
juniors' outerwear.
........... 2331 3 Women's, misses', and
juniors' blouses and
........... 2335 3 Women's, misses', and
juniors dresses.
........... 2337 3 Women's, misses, and
juniors' suits,
skirts, and coats.
........... 2339 2 Women's, misses', and
juniors' outerwear,
not elsewhere
234 ........... 2 Women's, misses',
children's, and
........... 2341 2 Women's, misses',
children's, and
infants' underwear and
........... 2342 2 Brassieres, girdles,
and allied garments.
235 ........... 3 Hats, caps, and
........... 2353 3 Hats, caps, and
236 ........... 3 Girls', children's, and
infants' outerwear.
........... 2361 3 Girls', children's, and
infants' dresses,
blouses, and shirts.
........... 2369 3 Girls', children's, and
infants' outerwear,
not elsewhere
238 ........... 3 Miscellaneous apparel
and accessories.
........... 2385 3 Waterproof outerwear.
........... 2387 3 Apparel belts.
........... 2389 3 Apparel and
accessories, not
elsewhere classified.
239 ........... 3 Miscellaneous
fabricated textile
........... 2391 2 Curtains and draperies.
........... 2392 3 Housefurnishings,
except curtains and
........... 2393 3 Textile bags.
........... 2395 2 Pleating, decorative
and novelty stitching,
and tucking for the
........... 2396 2 Automotive trimmings,
apparel findings, and
related products.
........... 2399 3 Fabricated textile
products, not
elsewhere classified.24........... ........... ........... 2 Lumber and wood
products, except
242 ........... 3 Sawmills and planing
........... 2421 3 Sawmills and planing
mills, general.
243 ........... 2 Millwork, veneer,
plywood, and
structural wood
........... 2431 2 Millwork.
........... 2434 2 Wood kitchen cabinets.
........... 2435 a Hardwood veneer and
244 ........... 3 Wood containers.
........... 2448 3 Wood pallets and skids.
245 ........... 3 Wood buildings and
mobile homes.
........... 2451 3 Mobile homes.
249 ........... 2 Miscellaneous wood
........... 2491 2 Wood preserving.
........... 2499 2 Wood products, not
elsewhere classified.25........... ........... ........... 2 Furniture and fixtures.
251 ........... 3 Household furniture.
........... 2511 3 Wood household
furniture, except
........... 2512 3 Wood household
........... 2514 3 Metal household
........... 2515 2 Mattresses,
foundations, and
convertible beds.
........... 2517 3 Wood television, radio,
phonograph, and sewing
machine cabinets.
........... 2519 3 Household furniture,
not elsewhere
252 ........... 2 Office furniture.
........... 2521 a Wood office furniture.
........... 2522 2 Office furniture,
except wood.
253 ........... 3 Public building and
related furniture.
........... 2531 3 Public building and
related furniture.
254 ........... 1 Partitions, shelving,
lockers, and office
and store fixtures.
........... 2541 2 Wood office and store
fixtures, partitions,
shelving, and lockers.
........... 2542 1 Office and store
fixtures, partitions,
shelving, and lockers,
except wood.
259 ........... 2 Miscellaneous furniture
and fixtures.
........... 2591 3 Drapery hardware and
window blinds and
........... 2599 a Furniture and fixtures,
not elsewhere
classified.26........... ........... ........... 1 Paper and allied
261 ........... 1 Pulp mills.
........... 2611 1 Pulp mills.
262 ........... 2 Paper mills.
........... 2621 2 Paper mills.
263 ........... a Paperboard mills.
........... 2631 a Paperboard mills.
265 ........... 1 Paperboard containers
and boxes.
........... 2652 1 Setup paperboard boxes.
........... 2653 1 Corrugated and solid
fiber boxes.
........... 2655 1 Fiber cans, tubes,
drums, and similar
........... 2657 1 Folding paperboard
boxes, including
267 ........... 1 Converted paper and
paperboard products,
except containers and
........... 2671 2 Packaging paper and
plastics film, coated
and laminated.
........... 2672 a Coated and laminated
paper, not elsewhere
........... 2673 2 Plastics, foil, and
coated paper bags.
........... 2674 1 Uncoated paper and
multiwall bags.
........... 2676 1 Sanitary paper
........... 2677 1 Envelopes.
........... 2678 3 Stationery, tablets,
and related products.
........... 2679 a Converted paper and
paperboard products,
not elsewhere
classified.27........... ........... ........... 1 Printing, publishing,
and allied industries.
271 ........... 1 Newspapers: publishing,
or publishing and
........... 2711 1 Newspapers: publishing,
or publishing and
273 ........... a Books.
........... 2731 a Books: publishing, or
publishing and
........... 2732 3 Book printing.
274 ........... 1 Miscellaneous
........... 2741 1 Miscellaneous
275 ........... 1 Commercial printing.
........... 2752 1 Commercial printing,
........... 2754 1 Commercial printing,
........... 2759 1 Commercial printing,
not elsewhere
276 ........... 1 Manifold business
........... 2761 1 Manifold business
278 ........... 1 Blankbooks, looseleaf
binders, and
bookbinding and
related work.
........... 2782 1 Blankbooks, looseleaf
binders and devices.
279 ........... 1 Service industries for
the printing trade.
........... 2796 1 Platemaking and related
services.28........... ........... ........... 1 Chemicals and allied
281 ........... 1 Industrial inorganic
........... 2813 1 Industrial gases.
........... 2819 1 Industrial inorganic
chemicals, not
elsewhere classified.
282 ........... 1 Plastics materials and
synthetic resins,
synthetic rubber,
cellulosic and other
manmade fibers, except
........... 2821 a Plastics materials,
synthetic resins, and
........... 2822 2 Synthetic rubber
283 ........... 1 Drugs.
........... 2833 1 Medicinal chemicals and
botanical products.
........... 2834 1 Pharmaceutical
........... 2835 1 In vitro and in vivo
diagnostic substances.
........... 2836 1 Biological products,
except diagnostic
284 ........... 1 Soap, detergents, and
cleaning preparations;
perfumes, cosmetics,
and other toilet
........... 2841 1 Soap and other
detergents, except
specialty cleaners.
........... 2842 1 Specialty cleaning,
polishing, and
........... 2844 1 Perfumes, cosmetics,
and other toilet
285 ........... 1 Paints, varnishes,
lacquers, enamels, and
allied products.
........... 2851 1 Paints, varnishes,
lacquers, enamels, and
allied products.
286 ........... 1 Industrial organic
........... 2865 1 Cyclic organic crudes
and intermediates, and
organic dyes and
........... 2869 a Industrial organic
chemicals, not
elsewhere classified.
287 ........... 1 Agricultural chemicals.
........... 2873 1 Nitrogenous
........... 2879 1 Pesticides and
chemicals, not
elsewhere classified.
289 ........... 1 Miscellaneous chemical
........... 2891 1 Adhesives and sealants.
........... 2899 1 Chemicals and chemical
preparations, not
elsewhere classified.29........... ........... ........... 1 Petroleum refining and
related industries.
291 ........... 1 Petroleum refining.
........... 2911 1 Petroleum refining.
295 ........... 1 Asphalt paving and
roofing materials.
........... 2951 1 Asphalt paving mixtures
and blocks.
........... 2952 1 Asphalt felts and
299 ........... a Miscellaneous products
of petroleum and coal.
........... 2992 a Lubricating oils and
greases.30........... ........... ........... 1 Rubber and
miscellaneous plastics
302 ........... 1 Rubber and plastics
........... 3021 1 Rubber and plastics
305 ........... 2 Gaskets, packing, and
sealing devices and
rubber and plastics
hose and belting.
........... 3052 2 Rubber and plastics
hose and belting.
306 ........... 2 Fabricated rubber
products, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 3069 2 Fabricated rubber
products, not
elsewhere classified.
308 ........... 1 Miscellaneous plastics
........... 3081 a Unsupported plastics
film and sheet.
........... 3082 3 Unsupported plastics
profile shapes.
........... 3083 1 Laminated plastics
plate, sheet, and
profile shapes.
........... 3084 a Plastics pipe.
........... 3085 1 Plastics bottles.
........... 3086 2 Plastics foam products.
........... 3087 3 Custom compounding of
purchased plastics
........... 3088 1 Plastics plumbing
........... 3089 1 Plastics products, not
elsewhere classified.31........... ........... ........... 2 Leather and leather
313 ........... 2 Boot and shoe cut stock
and findings.
........... 3131 2 Boot and shoe cut stock
and findings.
314 ........... 2 Footwear, except
........... 3142 b House slippers.
........... 3143 2 Men's footwear, except
........... 3144 1 Women's footwear,
except athletic.
........... 3149 2 Footwear, except
rubber, not elsewhere
315 ........... 3 Leather gloves and
........... 3151 3 Leather gloves and
316 ........... 3 Luggage.
........... 3161 3 Luggage.
317 ........... 2 Handbags and other
personal leather
........... 3171 3 Women's handbags and
........... 3172 1 Personal leather goods,
except women's
handbags and purses.32........... ........... ........... 1 Stone, clay, glass, and
concrete products.
321 ........... 2 Flat glass.
........... 3211 2 Flat glass.
322 ........... 1 Glass and glassware,
pressed or blown.
........... 3221 1 Glass containers.
323 ........... 1 Glass products, made of
purchased glass.
........... 3231 1 Glass products, made of
purchased glass.
324 ........... 1 Cement, hydraulic.
........... 3241 1 Cement, hydraulic.
326 ........... 3 Pottery and related
........... 3261 3 Vitreous china plumbing
fixtures and china and
earthenware fittings
and bathroom
........... 3269 3 Pottery products, not
elsewhere classified.
327 ........... 1 Concrete, gypsum, and
plaster products.
........... 3271 2 Concrete block and
........... 3272 1 Concrete products,
except block and
........... 3273 1 Ready-mixed concrete.
........... 3274 1 Lime.
........... 3275 a Gypsum products.
328 ........... 1 Cut stone and stone
........... 3281 1 Cut stone and stone
329 ........... 1 Abrasive, asbestos, and
nonmetallic mineral
........... 3295 a Minerals and earths,
ground or otherwise
........... 3296 1 Mineral wool.33........... ........... ........... 1 Primary metal
331 ........... 1 Steel works, blast
furnaces, and rolling
and finishing mills.
........... 3312 1 Steel works, blast
furnaces (including
coke ovens), and
rolling mills.
........... 3317 1 Steel pipe and tubes.
334 ........... 1 Secondary smelting and
refining of nonferrous
........... 3341 1 Secondary smelting and
refining of nonferrous
335 ........... 1 Rolling, drawing, and
extruding of
nonferrous metals.
........... 3351 1 Rolling, drawing, and
extruding of copper.
........... 3353 a Aluminum sheet, plate,
and foil.
........... 3354 1 Aluminum extruded
336 ........... a Nonferrous foundries
........... 3365 a Aluminum foundries.
339 ........... 1 Miscellaneous primary
metal products.
........... 3398 a Metal heat treating.
........... 3399 1 Primary metal products,
not elsewhere
classified.34........... ........... ........... 1 Fabricated metal
products, except
machinery and
341 ........... 1 Metal cans and shipping
........... 3411 1 Metal cans.
........... 3412 1 Metal shipping barrels,
drums, kegs, and
342 ........... 1 Cutlery, handtools, and
general hardware.
........... 3421 3 Cutlery.
........... 3423 a Hand and edge tools,
except machine tools
and handsaws.
........... 3429 a Hardware, not elsewhere
343 ........... 2 Heating equipment,
except electric and
warm air; and plumbing
........... 3433 2 Heating equipment,
except electric and
warm air furnaces.
344 ........... 2 Fabricated structural
metal products.
........... 3441 1 Fabricated structural
........... 3442 2 Metal doors, sash,
frames, molding, and
........... 3443 1 Fabricated plate work
(boiler shops).
........... 3444 2 Sheet metal work.
........... 3446 3 Architectural and
ornamental metal work.
........... 3449 2 Miscellaneous
structural metal work.
345 ........... 1 Screw machine products,
and bolts, nuts,
screws, rivets, and
........... 3452 1 Bolts, nuts, screws,
rivets, and washers.
346 ........... 1 Metal forgings and
........... 3469 1 Metal stampings, not
elsewhere classified.
347 ........... 2 Coating, engraving, and
allied services.
........... 3471 2 Electroplating,
plating, polishing,
anodizing and
349 ........... 2 Miscellaneous
fabricated metal
........... 3494 1 Valves and pipe
fittings, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 3495 2 Wire springs.
........... 3496 1 Miscellaneous
fabricated wire
........... 3498 a Fabricated pipe and
pipe fittings.
........... 3499 2 Fabricated metal
products, not
elsewhere classified.35........... ........... ........... 1 Industrial and
commercial machinery
and computer
353 ........... a Construction, mining,
and materials handling
machinery and
........... 3535 a Conveyors and conveying
354 ........... 1 Metalworking machinery
and equipment.
........... 3541 a Machine tools, metal
cutting types.
........... 3544 1 Special dies and tools,
die sets, jigs and
fixtures, and
industrial molds.
........... 3545 1 Cutting tools, machine
tool accessories, and
machinists' precision
measuring devices.
355 ........... 1 Special industry
machinery, except
........... 3555 1 Printing trades
machinery and
356 ........... 1 General industrial
machinery and
........... 3562 a Ball and roller
........... 3563 1 Air and gas
........... 3564 a Industrial and
commercial fans and
blowers and air
........... 3568 1 Mechanical power
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 3569 1 General industrial
machinery and
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
357 ........... 1 Computer and office
........... 3571 3 Electronic computers.
........... 3572 1 Computer storage
........... 3577 1 Computer peripheral
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 3579 1 Office machines, not
elsewhere classified.
358 ........... 1 Refrigeration and
service industry
........... 3585 1 Air-conditioning and
warm air heating
equipment and
commercial and
........... 3589 b Service industry
machinery, not
elsewhere classified.
359 ........... 2 Miscellaneous
industrial and
commercial machinery
and equipment.
........... 3592 2 Carburetors, pistons,
piston rings, and
........... 3596 a Scales and balances,
except laboratory.
........... 3599 1 Industrial and
commercial machinery
and equipment, not
elsewhere classified.36........... ........... ........... 1 Electronic and other
electrical equipment
and components, except
computer equipment.
361 ........... 1 Electronic transmission
and distribution
........... 3612 1 Power, distribution,
and specialty
........... 3613 1 Switchgear and
switchboard apparatus.
362 ........... 1 Electrical industrial
........... 3621 1 Motors and generators.
........... 3624 1 Carbon and graphite
........... 3625 1 Relays and industrial
........... 3629 1 Electrical industrial
apparatus, not
elsewhere classified.
363 ........... a Household appliances.
........... 3639 a Household appliances,
not elsewhere
364 ........... 1 Electric lighting and
wiring equipment.
........... 3641 1 Electric lamp bulbs and
........... 3643 1 Current-carrying wiring
........... 3644 1 Noncurrent-carrying
wiring devices.
........... 3645 a Residential electric
lighting fixtures.
........... 3646 2 Commercial, industrial,
and institutional
electric lighting
........... 3648 2 Lighting equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
365 ........... 1 Household audio and
video equipment, and
audio recordings.
........... 3651 1 Household audio and
video equipment.
........... 3652 a Phonograph records and
pre-recorded audio
tapes and disks.
366 ........... 1 Communications
........... 3661 1 Telephone and telegraph
........... 3663 1 Radio and television
broadcasting and
........... 3669 1 Communications
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
367 ........... 1 Electronic components
and accessories.
........... 3672 2 Printed circuit boards.
........... 3674 1 Semiconductors and
related devices.
........... 3677 2 Electronic coils,
transformers and other
........... 3678 1 Electronic connectors.
........... 3679 1 Electronic components,
not elsewhere
369 ........... 1 Miscellaneous
electrical machinery,
equipment, and
........... 3692 1 Primary batteries, dry
and wet.
........... 3694 1 Electrical equipment
for internal
combustion engines.37........... ........... ........... 1 Transportation
371 ........... 1 Motor vehicles and
motor vehicle
........... 3713 1 Truck and bus bodies.
........... 3714 1 Motor vehicle parts and
372 ........... 1 Aircraft and parts.
........... 3721 a Aircraft.
........... 3728 1 Aircraft parts and
auxiliary equipment,
not elsewhere
373 ........... 1 Ship and boat building
and repairing.
........... 3731 a Ship building and
........... 3732 2 Boat building and
379 ........... a Miscellaneous
........... 3792 a Travel trailers and
campers.38........... ........... ........... 1 Measuring, analyzing,
and controlling
photographic, medical,
and optical goods,
watches and clocks.
381 ........... 1 Search, detection,
navigation, guidance,
aeronautical, and
nautical systems,
instruments, and
........... 3812 1 Search, detection,
navigation, guidance,
aeronautical, and
nautical systems,
instruments, and
382 ........... 1 Laboratory apparatus
and analytical,
optical, measuring,
and controlling
........... 3821 1 Laboratory apparatus
and furniture.
........... 3822 1 Automatic controls for
regulating residential
and commercial
environments and
........... 3823 1 Industrial instruments
for measurement,
display, and control
of process variables;
and related products.
........... 3824 a Totalizing fluid meters
and counting devices.
........... 3825 1 Instruments for
measuring and testing
of electricity and
electrical signals.
........... 3829 2 Measuring and
controlling devices,
not elsewhere
384 ........... 1 Surgical, medical, and
dental instruments and
........... 3841 1 Surgical and medical
instruments and
........... 3842 1 Orthopedic, prosthetic,
and surgical
appliances and
........... 3843 1 Dental equipment and
........... 3844 a X-ray apparatus and
tubes and related
irradiation apparatus.
........... 3845 1 Electromedical and
385 ........... 1 Ophthalmic goods.
........... 3851 1 Ophthalmic goods.
386 ........... a Photographic equipment
and supplies.
........... 3861 a Photographic equipment
and supplies.
387 ........... 1 Watches, clocks,
clockwork operated
devices, and parts.
........... 3873 1 Watches, clocks,
clockwork operated
devices, and parts.39........... ........... ........... 1 Miscellaneous
391 ........... 1 Jewelry, silverware,
and plated ware.
........... 3911 1 Jewelry, precious
........... 3914 a Silverware, plated
ware, and stainless
steel ware.
........... 3915 1 Jewelers' findings and
materials, and
lapidary work.
394 ........... 2 Dolls, toys, games, and
sporting and athletic
........... 3942 2 Dolls and stuffed toys.
........... 3949 2 Sporting and athletic
goods, not elsewhere
395 ........... 2 Pens, pencils, and
other artists'
........... 3951 3 Pens, mechanical
pencils, and parts.
........... 3952 a Lead pencils, crayons,
and artists'
........... 3953 1 Marking devices.
396 ........... 1 Costume jewelry,
costume novelties,
buttons, and
miscellaneous notions,
except precious metal.
........... 3961 1 Costume jewelry and
costume novelties,
except precious metal.
........... 3965 a Fasteners, buttons,
needles, and pins.
399 ........... 1 Miscellaneous
........... 3991 a Brooms and brushes.
........... 3993 2 Signs and advertising
........... 3995 2 Burial caskets.
........... 3999 2 Manufacturing
industries, not
elsewhere classified.------------------------------------------------------------------------a=Category contained less than three employers. [55 FR 12120, Mar. 30, 1990; 55 FR 12778, Apr. 5, 1990, as amended at 55 FR 39575, Sept. 27, 1990; 57 FR 1103, Jan. 10, 1992]
Sec. Appendix B to Part 510--Nonmanufacturing Industries Eligible for
Minimum Wage Phase-In
This appendix contains a listing of all non-manufacturing industries (except those in major groups 01, 02, 08, and 09, pertaining to agriculture) for which data were collected and compiled by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for purposes of implementing the 1989 Amendments to FLSA. This listing follows the order and classifications used in the SIC Manual, 1987, which is incorporated by reference in these regulations (Sec. 510.21).
The data in this appendix are presented by major industry group (two-digit classification), industry group number (three-digit classification), and industry number (four-digit classification).
Tiers will not be listed for industry categories in which there were fewer than three responding employers, or one responding employer had more than 80 percent of the employment in the category, in conformance with practices of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in collecting and publishing similar data, until such time as Puerto Rico receives appropriate waivers of confidentiality from all employers in such categories. These categories are noted with an ``a'' on the following table. In situations where one or more employers declined to furnish a waiver, categories are noted with a ``b'' on the following table.
In addition, no tier will be listed where an industry was not included in the original survey because it was not in existence, because the industry was too small to be included, or for other reasons.
Employers who do not find the four-digit classification for their industry shall refer to the appropriate three-digit classification under which their establishment falls. If the appropriate three-digit classification is not listed, employers shall refer to the appropriate two-digit classification.
For example, no tier is listed for industry number 1423, crushed and broken granite. However, a tier is listed for industry group 142, crushed and broken stone, including riprap. Thus, an employer in industry 1423 must use the tier listed for industry group 142, i.e., Tier 1. Furthermore, employers who find the appropriate four-digit designation in this appendix must use that designation and cannot refer to a two- or three-digit classification. For example, an employer with industry number 5719, miscellaneous homefurnishings stores, which has a Tier 1 designation, cannot refer to industry group number 571, home furniture and furnishings stores, which has a Tier 2 designation.
Important: In referring to this appendix to determine appropriate tier designations, please note that certain categories of employees are subject to treatment under Tier 1 regardless of the average hourly wage rate for the industry and the tier designation contained herein. These employees, as listed in the 1989 Amendments, are those employed by:
(a) The United States,
(b) An establishment that is a hotel, motel, or restaurant, or
(c) Any other retail or service establishment that employs such employee in connection with the preparation or offering of food or beverages for human consumption, either on the premises, or by such services as catering, banquet, box lunch, or curb or counter service, to the public, to employees, or to members or guests of clubs.
Please note that these named categories may not correspond exactly to categories established by the SIC manual.
If no four-digit, three-digit, or two-digit classification is listed for an industry, employers in that group must pay the Tier 1 rates.
Nonmanufacturing Industries------------------------------------------------------------------------
Major group group Industry Tier Industry
number number------------------------------------------------------------------------01........... ........... ........... 3 Agricultural
011 ........... 3 Cash grains.
........... 0119 3 Cash grains, not
elsewhere classified.
013 ........... 3 Field crops, except
cash grains.
........... 0133 3 Sugarcane and sugar
........... 0139 3 Field crops, except
cash grains, not
elsewhere classified.
016 ........... 3 Vegetables and melons.
........... 0161 3 Vegetables and melons.
017 ........... 3 Fruits and tree nuts.
........... 0174 3 Citrus fruits.
........... 0179 3 Fruits and tree nuts,
not elsewhere
018 ........... 3 Horticultural
........... 0181 3 Ornamental floriculture
and nursery products.
019 ........... 3 General farms,
primarily crop.
........... 0191 3 General farms,
primarily crop.02........... ........... ........... 3 Agricultural
and animal
021 ........... 3 Livestock, except dairy
and poultry.
........... 0211 3 Beef cattle feedlots.
........... 0213 3 Hogs.
024 ........... 3 Dairy farms.
........... 0241 3 Dairy farms.
025 ........... 3 Poultry and eggs.
........... 0251 3 Broiler, fryer, and
roaster chickens.
........... 0252 3 Chicken eggs.
........... 0254 2 Poultry hatcheries.
027 ........... 3 Animal specialties.
........... 0271 3 Fur-bearing animals and
........... 0272 2 Horse and other
........... 0273 3 Animal aquaculture.
........... 0279 3 Animal specialties, not
else where classified.07........... ........... ........... 3 Agricultural services.
072 ........... 3 Crop services.
........... 0723 3 Crop preparation
services for market,
except cotton ginning.
074 ........... 2 Veterinary services.
075 ........... a Animal services except
........... 0751 a Livestock services,
except veterinary.
078 ........... 3 Landscape and
services.14........... ........... ........... 1 Mining and quarrying of
nonmetallic minerals,
except fuels.
........... 1422 2 Crushed and broken
........... 1429 1 Crushed and broken
stone, not elsewhere
144 ........... 1 Sand and gravel.
........... 1442 1 Construction sand and
gravel.15........... ........... ........... 1 Building construction-
general contractors
and operative
152 ........... 1 General building
residential buildings.
154 ........... 1 General building
buildings.16........... ........... ........... 1 Heavy construction
other than building
161 ........... 1 Highway and street
construction, except
elevated highways.
........... 1611 1 Highway and street
construction, except
elevated highways.
162 ........... 1 Heavy construction,
except highway and
street construction.
........... 1622 1 Bridge, tunnel, and
elevated highway
........... 1623 1 Water, sewer, pipeline,
and communications and
power line
........... 1629 a Heavy construction, not
elsewhere classified.17........... ........... ........... 1 Construction-special
trade contractors.
171 ........... 1 Plumbing, heating and
........... 1711 1 Plumbing, heating and
172 ........... 2 Painting and paper
........... 1721 2 Painting and paper
173 ........... 1 Electrical work.
........... 1731 1 Electrical work.
174 ........... 1 Masonry, stonework,
tile setting, and
........... 1741 1 Masonry, stone setting,
and other stone work.
........... 1742 1 Plastering, drywall,
acoustical, and
insulation work.
........... 1743 1 Terrazzo, tile, marble,
and mosaic work.
175 ........... a Carpentry and floor
........... 1751 a Carpentry work.
176 ........... 2 Roofing, siding, and
sheet metal work.
........... 1761 2 Roofing, siding, and
sheet metal work.
179 ........... 1 Miscellaneous special
trade contractors.
........... 1791 1 Structural steel
........... 1793 2 Glass and glazing work.
........... 1794 a Excavation work.
........... 1795 a Wrecking and demolition
........... 1796 1 Installation or
erection of building
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 1799 1 Special trade
contractors, not
elsewhere classified.41........... ........... ........... 3 Local and suburban
transit and interurban
highway passenger
411 ........... 2 Local and suburban
........... 4111 2 Local and suburban
412 ........... 3 Taxicabs.
........... 4121 3 Taxicabs.
413 ........... 3 Intercity and rural bus
........... 4131 3 Intercity and rural bus
415 ........... a School buses.
........... 4151 a School buses.42........... ........... ........... 1 Motor freight
transportation and
421 ........... 1 Trucking and courier
services, except air.
422 ........... 1 Public warehousing and
........... 4221 1 Farm product
warehousing and
........... 4222 a Refrigerated
warehousing and
........... 4225 1 General warehousing and
........... 4226 1 Special warehousing and
storage, not elsewhere
classified.44........... ........... ........... 1 Water transportation.
442 ........... a Deep sea domestic
transportation of
........... 4424 a Deep sea domestic
transportation of
444 ........... 1 Water transportation of
freight, not elsewhere
........... 4449 1 Water transportation of
freight, not elsewhere
449 ........... 1 Services incidental to
water transportation.
........... 4491 1 Marine cargo handling.
........... 4492 a Towing and tugboat
........... 4499 1 Water transportation
services, not
elsewhere classified.45........... ........... ........... 1 Transportation by air.
451 ........... 1 Air transportation,
scheduled, and air
courier services.
........... 4512 1 Air transportation,
452 ........... a Air transportation,
........... 4522 a Air transportation,
458 ........... a Airports, flying
fields, and airport
terminal services.
........... 4581 a Airports, flying
fields, and airport
terminal services.46........... ........... ........... a Pipelines, except
natural gas.
461 ........... 1 Pipelines, except
natural gas.
........... 4613 1 Refined petroleum
pipelines.47........... ........... ........... 1 Transportation
472 ........... 1 Arrangement of
........... 4729 1 Arrangement of
transportation, not
elsewhere classified.
473 ........... 1 Arrangement of
transportation of
freight and cargo.
........... 4731 1 Arrangement of
transportation of
freight and cargo.
478 ........... 1 Miscellaneous services
incidental to
........... 4785 1 Fixed facilities and
inspection and
weighing services for
motor vehicle
transportation.48........... ........... ........... 1 Communications.
482 ........... b Telegraph and other
........... 4822 b Telegraph and other
483 ........... 1 Radio and television
broadcasting stations.
........... 4832 1 Radio broadcasting
........... 4833 1 Television broadcasting
489 ........... 3 Communications
services, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 4899 3 Communications
services, not
elsewhere classified.49........... ........... ........... 1 Electric, gas and
sanitary services.
492 ........... 1 Gas production and
........... 4923 1 Natural gas
transmission and
........... 4925 1 Mixed, manufactured, or
liquefied petroleum
gas production and/or
495 ........... 1 Sanitary services.
........... 4953 1 Refuse systems.
497 ........... a Irrigation systems.
........... 4971 a Irrigation systems.50........... ........... ........... 1 Wholesale trade-durable
501 ........... 1 Motor vehicles and
motor vehicle parts
and supplies.
........... 5012 a Automobiles and other
motor vehicles.
........... 5013 1 Motor vehicle supplies
and new parts.
........... 5014 1 Tires and tubes.
502 ........... 1 Furniture and
........... 5021 2 Furniture.
........... 5023 1 Homefurnishings.
503 ........... 2 Lumber and other
........... 5031 2 Lumber, plywood,
millwork, and wood
........... 5039 1 Construction materials,
not elsewhere
504 ........... 1 Professional and
commercial equipment
and supplies.
........... 5043 1 Photographic equipment
and supplies.
........... 5046 1 Commercial equipment,
not elsewhere
........... 5049 1 Professional equipment
and supplies, not
elsewhere classified.
505 ........... 1 Metals and minerals,
except petroleum.
........... 5051 1 Metals service centers
and offices.
506 ........... 1 Electrical goods.
........... 5063 1 Electrical apparatus
and equipment, wiring
supplies and
........... 5064 1 Electrical appliances,
television and radio
........... 5065 1 Electronic parts and
equipment, not
elsewhere classified.
507 ........... 1 Hardware, and plumbing
and heating equipment
and supplies.
........... 5072 1 Hardware.
........... 5074 1 Plumbing and heating
equipment and supplies
........... 5075 a Warm air heating and
equipment and
........... 5078 a Refrigeration equipment
and supplies.
508 ........... 1 Machinery, equipment,
and supplies.
........... 5082 1 Construction and mining
(except petroleum)
machinery and
........... 5083 a Farm and garden
machinery and
........... 5084 1 Industrial machinery
and equipment.
........... 5085 1 Industrial supplies.
........... 5087 2 Service establishment
equipment and
509 ........... 1 Miscellaneous durable
........... 5091 a Sporting and
recreational goods and
........... 5092 1 Toys and hobby goods
and supplies.
........... 5093 1 Scrap and waste
........... 5094 1 Jewelry, watches,
precious stones, and
precious metals.
........... 5099 1 Durable goods, not
elsewhere classified.51........... ........... ........... 1 Wholesale trade--
nondurable goods.
511 ........... 1 Paper and paper
........... 5111 1 Printing and writing
........... 5112 3 Stationery and office
........... 5113 1 Industrial and personal
service paper.
512 ........... 1 Drugs, drug
proprietaries, and
druggists' sundries.
........... 5122 1 Drugs, drug
proprietaries, and
druggists' sundries.
513 ........... 2 Apparel, piece goods,
and notions.
........... 5131 2 Piece goods, notions,
and other dry goods.
........... 5136 1 Men's and boys'
clothing and
........... 5137 3 Women's, children's,
and infants' clothing
and accessories.
........... 5139 2 Footwear.
514 ........... 1 Groceries and related
........... 5141 1 Groceries, general
........... 5142 1 Packaged frozen foods.
........... 5143 a Dairy products, except
dried or canned.
........... 5144 3 Poultry and poultry
........... 5145 a Confectionery.
........... 5146 a Fish and seafoods.
........... 5147 a Meats and meat
........... 5148 1 Fresh fruits and
........... 5149 1 Groceries and related
products, not
elsewhere classified.
515 ........... a Farm-product raw
........... 5154 a Livestock.
516 ........... 1 Chemicals and allied
........... 5169 1 Chemicals and allied
products, not
elsewhere classified.
517 ........... 1 Petroleum and petroleum
........... 5171 1 Petroleum bulk stations
and terminals.
........... 5172 1 Petroleum and petroleum
products wholesalers,
except bulk stations
and terminals.
518 ........... 1 Beer, wine and
distilled alcoholic
........... 5181 1 Beer and ale.
519 ........... 1 Miscellaneous
nondurable goods.
........... 5191 3 Farm supplies.
........... 5194 3 Tobacco and tobacco
........... 5198 b Paints, varnishes, and
........... 5199 1 Nondurable goods, not
elsewhere classified.52........... ........... ........... 2 Building materials,
hardware, garden
supply, and mobile
home dealers.
521 ........... 3 Lumber and other
building materials
........... 5211 3 Lumber and other
building materials
523 ........... 1 Paint, glass, and
wallpaper stores.
........... 5231 1 Paint, glass, and
wallpaper stores.
525 ........... 2 Hardware stores.
........... 5251 2 Hardware stores.
526 ........... 3 Retail nurseries, lawn
and garden supply
........... 5261 3 Retail nurseries, lawn
and garden supply
stores.53........... ........... ........... 1 General merchandise
531 ........... 1 Department stores.
........... 5311 1 Department stores.
533 ........... 2 Variety stores.
........... 5331 2 Variety stores.
539 ........... 3 Miscellaneous general
merchandise stores.
........... 5399 3 Miscellaneous general
merchandise stores.54........... ........... ........... 2 Food stores.
541 ........... 2 Grocery stores.
........... 5411 2 Grocery stores.
542 ........... 1 Meat and fish (seafood)
markets, including
freezer provisioners.
........... 5421 1 Meat and fish (seafood)
markets, including
freezer provisioners.
........... 5421 a Meat and fish (seafood)
markets, including
freezer provisioners.
543 ........... 3 Fruit and vegetable
........... 5431 3 Fruit and vegetable
546 ........... 3 Retail bakeries.
........... 5461 3 Retail bakeries.
549 ........... 3 Miscellaneous food
........... 5499 3 Miscellaneous food
stores.55........... ........... ........... 1 Automotive dealers and
gasoline service
551 ........... 1 Motor vehicle dealers
(new and used).
........... 5511 1 Motor vehicle dealers
(new and used).
552 ........... 2 Motor vehicle dealers
(used only).
........... 5521 2 Motor vehicle dealers
(used only).
553 ........... 1 Auto and home supply
........... 5531 1 Auto and home supply
554 ........... 3 Gasoline service
........... 5541 3 Gasoline service
stations.56........... ........... ........... 3 Apparel and accessory
561 ........... 3 Men's and boys'
clothing and accessory
........... 5611 3 Men's and boys'
clothing and accessory
562 ........... 3 Women's clothing
........... 5621 3 Women's clothing
563 ........... 3 Women's accessory and
specialty stores.
........... 5632 3 Women's accessory and
specialty stores.
564 ........... 3 Children's and infants'
wear stores.
........... 5641 3 Children's and infants'
wear stores.
565 ........... 3 Family clothing stores.
........... 5651 3 Family clothing stores.
566 ........... 2 Shoe stores.
........... 5661 2 Shoe stores.
569 ........... 3 Miscellaneous apparel
and accessory stores.
........... 5699 3 Miscellaneous apparel
and accessory stores.57........... ........... ........... 2 Home furniture,
furnishings, and
equipment stores.
571 ........... 2 Home furniture and
furnishings stores.
........... 5712 2 Furniture stores.
........... 5713 a Floor covering stores.
........... 5714 3 Drapery, curtain, and
upholstery stores.
........... 5719 1 Miscellaneous
572 ........... 1 Household appliance
........... 5722 1 Household appliance
573 ........... 2 Radio, television,
consumer electronics,
and music stores.
........... 5731 a Radio, television, and
consumer electronics
........... 5735 1 Record and prerecorded
tape stores.58........... ........... ........... 1 Eating and drinking
\1\ 581 ........... 1 Eating and drinking
places.59........... ........... ........... 1 Miscellaneous retail.
591 ........... 1 Drug stores and
proprietary stores.
........... 5912 1 Drug stores and
proprietary stores.
592 ........... a Liquor stores.
........... 5921 a Liquor stores.
593 ........... 3 Used merchandise
........... 5932 3 Used merchandise
594 ........... 1 Miscellaneous shopping
goods stores.
........... 5941 1 Sporting goods stores
and bicycle shops.
........... 5942 1 Book stores.
........... 5943 2 Stationery stores.
........... 5944 1 Jewelry stores.
........... 5945 3 Hobby, toy, and game
........... 5946 2 Camera and photographic
supply stores.
........... 5947 3 Gift, novelty, and
souvenir shops.
........... 5949 3 Sewing, needlework, and
piece goods stores.
596 ........... a Nonstore retailers.
........... 5962 a Automatic merchandising
machine operators.
........... 5963 a Direct selling
598 ........... 2 Fuel dealers.
........... 5984 2 Liquefied petroleum gas
(bottled gas) dealers.
599 ........... 1 Retail stores, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 5992 3 Florists.
........... 5999 1 Miscellaneous retail
stores, not elsewhere
classified.60........... ........... ........... 1 Depository
602 ........... 1 Commercial banks.
........... 6021 1 National commercial
........... 6022 1 State commercial banks.
........... 6029 1 Commercial banks, not
elsewhere classified.
603 ........... 1 Savings institutions.
........... 6035 1 Savings institutions,
Federally chartered.
........... 6036 1 Savings institutions,
not Federally
606 ........... 1 Credit unions.
........... 6061 1 Credit unions,
Federally chartered.
........... 6062 1 Credit unions, not
Federally chartered.
609 ........... 2 Functions related to
depository banking.
........... 6099 2 Functions related to
depository banking,
not elsewhere
classified.61........... ........... ........... 1 Nondepository credit
614 ........... 1 Personal credit
........... 6141 1 Personal credit
615 ........... 1 Business credit
........... 6153 b Short-term business
credit institutions,
except agricultural.
........... 6159 1 Miscellaneous business
credit institutions.
616 ........... 1 Mortgage bankers and
........... 6162 1 Mortgage bankers and
loan correspondents.62........... ........... ........... 1 Security and commodity
brokers, dealers,
exchanges, and
621 ........... 1 Security brokers,
dealers, and flotation
........... 6211 1 Security brokers,
dealers, and flotation
622 ........... a Commodity contracts
brokers and dealers.
........... 6221 a Commodity contracts
brokers and dealers.63........... ........... ........... 1 Insurance carriers.
631 ........... 1 Life insurance.
........... 6311 1 Life insurance.
632 ........... 1 Accidental and health
insurance and medical
service plans.
........... 6321 1 Accident and health
........... 6324 b Hospital and medical
service plans.
633 ........... 1 Fire, marine, and
casualty insurance.
........... 6331 1 Fire, marine, and
casualty insurance.
635 ........... 1 Surety insurance.
........... 6351 1 Surety insurance.
636 ........... b Title insurance.
........... 6361 b Title insurance.
637 ........... 1 Pension, health, and
welfare funds.
........... 6371 1 Pension, health, and
welfare funds.64........... ........... ........... 1 Insurance agents,
brokers, and service.
641 ........... 1 Insurance agents,
brokers, and service.
........... 6411 1 Insurance agents,
brokers, and service.65........... ........... ........... 1 Real estate.
651 ........... 1 Real estate operators
(except developers)
and lessors.
653 ........... 1 Real estate agents and
........... 6531 1 Real estate agents and
655 ........... 1 Land subdividers and
........... 6552 1 Land subdividers and
developers, except
........... 6553 a Cemetery subdividers
and developers.70........... ........... ........... 1 Hotels, rooming houses,
camps, and other
lodging places.
701 ........... 1 Hotels and motels.
........... 7011 1 Hotels and motels.
702 ........... 1 Rooming and boarding
........... 7021 1 Rooming and boarding
houses.72........... ........... ........... 1 Personal services.
721 ........... 2 Laundry, cleaning, and
garment services.
722 ........... 3 Photographic studios,
........... 7221 3 Photographic studios,
723 ........... 1 Beauty shops.
........... 7231 1 Beauty shops.
724 ........... 1 Barber shops
........... 7241 1 Barber shops.
725 ........... 2 Shoe repair shops and
shoeshine parlors.
........... 7251 2 Shoe repair shops and
shoeshine parlors.
726 ........... 1 Funeral service and
........... 7261 1 Funeral service and
729 ........... 1 Miscellaneous personal
........... 7299 1 Miscellaneous personal
services, not
elsewhere classified.73........... ........... ........... 2 Business services.
731 ........... 1 Advertising.
........... 7311 1 Advertising agencies.
........... 7312 1 Outdoor advertising
........... 7319 a Advertising, not
elsewhere classified.
732 ........... b Consumer credit
reporting agencies,
mercantile reporting
agencies, and
adjustment and
collection agencies.
........... 7323 b Credit reporting
733 ........... 2 Mailing, reproduction,
commercial art and
photography, and
stenographic services.
........... 7338 2 Secretarial and court
reporting services.
734 ........... 3 Services to dwellings
and other buildings.
........... 7342 3 Disinfecting and pest
control services.
........... 7349 3 Building cleaning and
maintenance services,
not elsewhere
735 ........... 1 Miscellaneous equipment
rental and leasing.
........... 7359 1 Equipment rental and
leasing, not elsewhere
736 ........... 2 Personnel supply
........... 7361 2 Employment agencies.
........... 7363 2 Help supply services.
737 ........... 1 Computer programming,
data processing, and
other computer related
........... 7372 1 Prepackaged software.
........... 7374 1 Computer processing and
data preparation and
processing services.
........... 7379 1 Computer related
services, not
elsewhere classified.
738 ........... 3 Miscellaneous business
........... 7382 3 Security systems
........... 7384 1 Photofinishing
........... 7389 1 Business services, not
elsewhere classified.75........... ........... ........... 1 Automotive repair,
services, and parking.
751 ........... 1 Automotive rental and
leasing, without
........... 7513 3 Truck rental and
leasing, without
........... 7514 1 Passenger car rental.
752 ........... 3 Automobile parking.
........... 7521 3 Automobile parking.
753 ........... 1 Automotive repair
........... 7532 2 Top, body, and
upholstery repair
shops and paint shops.
........... 7534 1 Tire retreading and
repair shops.
........... 7538 3 General automotive
repair shops.
........... 7539 2 Automotive repair
shops, not elsewhere
754 ........... 3 Automotive services,
except repair.
........... 7542 3 Carwashes.
........... 7549 3 Automotive services,
except repair and
carwashes.76........... ........... ........... 1 Miscellaneous repair
762 ........... 1 Electrical repair
........... 7622 3 Radio and television
repair shops.
........... 7623 1 Refrigeration and air-
conditioning service
and repair shops.
........... 7629 1 Electrical and
electronic repair
shops, not elsewhere
763 ........... 2 Watch, clock, and
jewelry repair.
........... 7631 2 Watch, clock, and
jewelry repair.
764 ........... 3 Reupholstery and
furniture repair.
........... 7641 3 Reupholstery and
furniture repair.
769 ........... 1 Miscellaneous repair
shops and related
........... 7692 2 Welding repair.
........... 7694 1 Armature rewinding
........... 7699 1 Repair shops and
related services, not
elsewhere classified.78........... ........... ........... 1 Motion pictures.
781 ........... 1 Motion picture
production and allied
........... 7812 1 Motion picture and
video tape production.
782 ........... 2 Motion picture
distribution and
allied services.
........... 7822 2 Motion picture and
video tape
783 ........... 3 Motion picture
........... 7832 3 Motion picture
theaters, except drive-
........... 7833 a Drive-in motion picture
theaters.79........... ........... ........... 1 Amusement and
recreation services.
791 ........... 2 Dance studios, schools,
and halls.
........... 7911 2 Dance studios, schools,
and halls.
792 ........... a Theatrical producers
(except motion
picture), bands,
orchestras, and
........... 7929 a Bands, orchestras,
actors, and other
entertainers and
entertainment groups.
793 ........... 3 Bowling centers.
........... 7933 3 Bowling centers.
794 ........... a Commercial sports.
........... 7941 a Professional sports
clubs and promoters.
........... 7948 a Racing, including track
799 ........... 2 Miscellaneous amusement
and recreation
........... 7993 2 Coin-operated amusement
........... 7997 1 Membership sports and
recreation clubs.
........... 7999 2 Amusement and
recreation services
not elsewhere
classified.80........... ........... ........... 1 Health services.
801 ........... 1 Offices and clinics of
doctors of medicine.
........... 8011 1 Offices and clinics of
doctors of medicine.
802 ........... 1 Offices and clinics of
........... 8021 1 Offices and clinics of
803 ........... a Offices and clinics of
doctors of osteopathy.
........... 8031 a Offices and clinics of
doctors of osteopathy.
804 ........... 1 Offices and clinics of
other health
........... 8049 1 Offices and clinics of
health practitioners,
not elsewhere
805 ........... b Nursing and personal
care facilities.
........... 8059 b Nursing and personal
care facilities, not
elsewhere classified.
806 ........... 1 Hospitals.
........... 8062 1 General medical and
surgical hospitals.
........... 8063 1 Psychiatric hospitals.
........... 8069 1 Specialty hospitals,
except psychiatric.
807 ........... 1 Medical and dental
........... 8071 1 Medical laboratories.
........... 8072 a Dental laboratories.
809 ........... 1 Miscellaneous health
and allied services,
not elsewhere
........... 8099 1 Health and allied
services, not
elsewhere classified.81........... ........... ........... 1 Legal services.
811 ........... 1 Legal services.
........... 8111 1 Legal services.82........... ........... ........... 1 Educational services.
821 ........... 2 Elementary and
secondary schools.
........... 8211 2 Elementary and
secondary schools.
822 ........... 1 Colleges, universities,
professional schools,
and junior colleges.
........... 8221 1 Colleges, universities,
and professional
........... 8222 1 Junior colleges and
technical institutes.
824 ........... 2 Vocational schools.
........... 8243 a Data processing
........... 8244 2 Business and
secretarial schools.
........... 8249 2 Vocational schools, not
elsewhere classified.
829 ........... 1 Schools and educational
services, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 8299 1 Schools and educational
services, not
elsewhere classified.83........... ........... ........... 1 Social services.
832 ........... 1 Individual and family
social services.
........... 8322 1 Individual and family
social services.
833 ........... 3 Job training and
........... 8331 3 Job training and
835 ........... 1 Child day care
........... 8351 1 Child day care
836 ........... 2 Residential care.
........... 8361 2 Residential care.
839 ........... a Social services, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 8399 a Social services, not
elsewhere classified.84........... ........... ........... 3 Museums, art galleries,
and botanical and
zoological gardens.
841 ........... 3 Museums and art
........... 8412 3 Museums and art
galleries.86........... ........... ........... 1 Membership
861 ........... 1 Business associations.
........... 8611 1 Business associations.
862 ........... 1 Professional membership
........... 8621 1 Professional membership
863 ........... 1 Labor unions and
similar labor
........... 8631 1 Labor unions and
similar labor
864 ........... 2 Civic, social, and
........... 8641 2 Civic, social, and
866 ........... 2 Religious
........... 8661 2 Religious
869 ........... 2 Membership
organizations, not
elsewhere classified.
........... 8699 2 Membership
organizations, not
elsewhere classified.87........... ........... ........... 1 Engineering,
accounting, research,
management, and
related services.
871 ........... 1 Engineering,
architectural, and
surveying services.
........... 8711 1 Engineering services.
872 ........... 1 Accounting, auditing,
and bookkeeping
........... 8721 1 Accounting, auditing,
and bookkeeping
873 ........... 1 Research, development,
and testing services.
........... 8733 1 Noncommercial research
organizations.88........... ........... ........... 3 Private households.
881 ........... 3 Private households.
........... 8811 3 Private households.------------------------------------------------------------------------``a''=Category contained less than three responding employers or one
responding employer had more than 80 percent of the employment in the
category.``b''=Firm(s) declined to furnish waivers in these categories.\1\ Survey data reported on the basis of SIC code 5810. Data were not
broken down by SIC 5812, Eating places, and 5813 Drinking places
(Alcoholic beverages). [55 FR 12120, Mar. 30, 1990; 55 FR 12778, Apr. 5, 1990, as amended at 55 FR 39577, Sept. 27, 1990; 55 FR 53248, Dec. 27, 1990; 57 FR 1104, Jan. 10, 1992]
Sec. Appendix C to Part 510--Government Corporations Eligible for
Minimum Wage Phase-In
This appendix contains a listing of the public organizations (corporations) in Puerto Rico for which data have been provided by the Commonwealth for purposes of implementing the 1989 Amendments to FLSA. Such Corporations are subject to Tiers 1, 2, or 3, as set forth below. Corporations which are listed under Tier 3 may pay rates specified under Tier 4 to employees engaged in traditional activities, as defined in Sec. 510.25 of the regulations. All other employees are subject to Tier 3. Organizations for which no data were provided are subject to Tier 1 treatment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tier Organization------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Automobile Accidents Compensation
Administration.1 Cardiovascular Center Corporation of
Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.2 Culebra Conservation and Development
Authority.3 Government Development Bank of Puerto
Rico.1 Highway Authority.2 Industries for the Blind, Mentally
Retarded, and other Disabled Persons
of Puerto Rico.1 Institute of Puerto Rican Culture.2 Corporation for the Development and
Administration of Marine, Lacustrine,
and Fluvial Resources of Puerto Rico.1 Metropolitan Bus Authority.2 Puerto Rico Mineral Resource
Development Corporation.1 Musical Arts Corporation.1 Public Building Authority.1 Puerto Rico Institute of
Cinematographic and Television Arts
and Industries.1 Puerto Rico Aqueducts and Sewer
Authority.1 Puerto Rico Communications Authority.1 Puerto Rico Land Administration.1 Puerto Rico Marine Shipping Authority.1 Puerto Rico Medical Service
Administration.1 Puerto Rico Ports Authority.1 Puerto Rico Musical Performing Arts
Corporation.2 Puerto Rico Rural Development
Corporation.3 Puerto Rico Sugar Board.1 Puerto Rico Telephone Company.2 Puerto Rico Solid Waste Management
Authority.1 Puerto Rico Housing Bank.1 Puerto Rico Tourism Company.3 Puerto Rico Renewal and Housing
Corporation.3 Puerto Rico Industrial Development
Bank.3 Recreational Development Company.2 Right to Work Administration.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Appendix D to Part 510--Municipalities Eligible for Minimum Wage
This appendix contains a listing of the municipalities in Puerto Rico and the tier applicable to each. Municipalities with average hourly earnings below $4.65 but equal to or greater than $4.00 are subject to Tier 2, as set forth below. Municipalities with average hourly earnings under $4.00 are subject to Tier 3. Municipalities which are listed under Tier 3 may pay the rates specified under Tier 4 to employees engaged in traditional activities, as defined in Sec. 510.25 of the regulations. All other employees are subject to Tier 3. Municipalities which did not submit data are subject to Tier 1. The tiers set forth below are subject to petitions for review by affected employees, if filed prior to June 1, 1990. If upon review it is determined that the municipality should have been subject to Tier 1 or 2, back wages will have to be paid to April 1, 1990, to make up the difference between what municipal employees were paid and what they should have been paid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tier Municipality------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Adjuntas.3 Aguada.3 Aguadilla.3 Aguas Buenas.3 Aibonito.3 A[ntilde]asco.3 Arecibo.3 Arroyo.3 Barceloneta.3 Barranquitas.3 Bayamon.3 Cabo Rojo.3 Caguas.3 Camuy.2 Canovanas.3 Carolina.3 Cata[ntilde]o.3 Cayey.2 Ceiba.3 Ciales.3 Cidra.3 Coamo.2 Comerio.3 Corozal.3 Culebra.2 Dorado.3 Fajardo.3 Florida.3 Guanica.3 Guyama.2 Guayanilla.3 Guaynabo.3 Guarbo.3 Hatillo.3 Hormigueros.3 Humacao.3 Isabela.3 Jayuya.3 Juana Diaz.3 Juncos.2 Lajas.3 Lares.3 Las Marias.3 Las Piedras.3 Loiza.3 Luquillo.1 Manati.3 Maricao.3 Maunabo.3 Mayaguez.2 Moca.3 Morovis.3 Naguabo.2 Naranjito.3 Orocovis.3 Patillas.3 Pe[ntilde]uelas.3 Ponce.3 Quebradillas.3 Rincon.3 Rio Grande.3 Sabana Grande.3 Salinas.3 San German.2 San Juan.3 San Lorenzo.3 San Sebastian.3 Santa Isabel.3 Toa Alta.3 Toa Baja.2 Trujillo Alto.3 Utuado.3 Vega Alta.3 Vega Baja.3 Vieques.3 Villalba.3 Yabucoa.3 Yauco.------------------------------------------------------------------------