(a) If, after review, an application is denied, notification of denial will be made to the appropriate school official, the employer and the student. This notification will occur within 30 days following the date such application was forwarded to the Wage and Hour Division, unless additional time for review is considered necessary or appropriate.
(b) If additional time for review is considered necessary or appropriate, the proper school official, the employer, and the student shall be so notified. To the extent feasible, the Administrator may provide an opportunity to other interested persons to present data and views on the application before denying a special student-learner certificate.
(c) Whenever a notification of denial is mailed to the employer, such denial shall be without prejudice to any subsequent application, except under the circumstances referred to in Sec. 520.502(i)(3).
(d) Section 520.204 of this part describes the procedures for requesting reconsideration of a decision to grant or deny a certificate.