(a) Referral pursuant to Sec. 4.10 or Sec. 4.11 of part 4 of this title will be by an Order of Reference from the Administrator to the Chief Administrative Law Judge, to which will be attached the material submitted by the applicant or any other material the Administrator considers relevant and, for proceedings pursuant to Sec. 4.11 of this title, a copy of any findings of the Administrator. A copy of the Order of Reference and all attachments will be sent by mail to the following parties: The agency whose contract is involved, the parties to the collective bargaining agreement, any contractor or subcontractor performing on the contract, any contractor or subcontractor known to be desirous of bidding thereon or performing services thereunder who is known or believed to be interested in the determination of the issue, any unions or other authorized representatives of service employees employed or who may be expected to be employed by such contractor or subcontractor on the contract work, and any other affected parties known to be interested in the determination of the issue. The Order of Reference will have attached a certificate of service naming all interested parties who have been served.
(b) Accompanying the Order of Reference and attachments will be a notice advising that any interested party, including the applicant, who intends to participate in the proceeding shall submit a written response to the Chief Administrative Law Judge within 20 days of the date on which the certificate of service indicates the Order of Reference was mailed. The notice will state that such a response shall include:
(1) A statement of the interested party's case;
(2) A list of witnesses the interested party will present, a summary of the testimony each is expected to give, and copies of all exhibits proposed to be proffered;
(3) A list of persons who have knowledge of the facts for whom the interested party requests that subpoenas be issued and a brief statement of the purpose of their testimony; and
(4) A certificate of service in accordance with Sec. 6.3 of this title on all interested parties, including the Administrator.