As used in this subpart:
(a) Action Official (AO) is the EPA official who authors the Agency Decision to the Affected Entity regarding a pre-award or post-award matter.
(b) Affected Entity is an entity that applies for and/or receives Federal financial assistance from EPA including but not limited to: State and local governments, Indian Tribes, Intertribal Consortia, Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Non-profit Organizations, and Individuals.
(c) Agency Decision is the Agency's initial pre-award or post-award determination. The Agency Decision is sent by the Action Official (AO) to the Affected Entity electronically and informs them of their dispute rights including appealing the Agency Decision to the DDO. Assistance Agreement Appeal (or Appeal) is the letter an Affected Entity submits to the DDO to challenge an Agency Decision.
(d) Dispute is a disagreement by an Affected Entity with a specific Agency Decision regarding a pre-award or post-award action.
(e) Disputes Decision Official (DDO) is the designated agency official responsible for issuing a decision resolving an Appeal.
(1) The DDO for a Headquarters Assistance Agreement Appeal is the Director of the Grants and Interagency Agreement Management Division in the Office of Grants and Debarment or designee. To help provide for a fair and impartial review, the AO for the challenged Agency Decision may not serve as the Headquarters DDO and the DDO cannot serve as the Review Official for the Appeal decision.
(2) The DDO for a Regional Assistance Agreement Appeal is the official designated by the Regional Administrator to issue the written decision resolving the Appeal. To help provide for a fair and impartial review, the AO for the challenged Agency Decision may not serve as the Regional DDO and the DDO cannot serve as the Review Official for the Appeal decision. Request for Review is the letter an Affected Entity submits to the designated Review Official to challenge the DDO's Appeal decision.
(f) Review Official is the EPA official responsible for issuing a decision resolving an Affected Entity's request for review of a DDO's Appeal decision.
(1) For a Headquarters DDO Appeal decision, the Review Official is the Director of the Office of Grants and Debarment or designee.
(2) For a Regional DDO Appeal decision, the Review Official is the Regional Administrator or designee.