(a) Each subpart contains information related to a broad topic or specific audience with special responsibilities, as shown in the following table: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In subpart . . . You will find provisions related to . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A........................................... general information about Subparts A through I of this part.B........................................... the types of transactions that are covered by the Governmentwide
nonprocurement suspension and debarment system.C........................................... the responsibilities of persons who participate in covered
transactions.D........................................... the responsibilities of Federal agency officials who are
authorized to enter into covered transactions.E........................................... the responsibilities of Federal agencies for entering information
into SAM ExclusionsF........................................... the general principles governing suspension, debarment, voluntary
exclusion and settlement.G........................................... suspension actions.H........................................... debarment actions.I........................................... definitions of terms used in this part.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) The following table shows which subparts may be of special interest to you, depending on who you are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) a participant or principal in a A, B, C and I.
nonprocurement transaction.(2) a respondent in a suspension A, B, F, G and I.
action.(3) a respondent in a debarment A, B, F, H and I.
action.(4) a suspending official.......... A, B, E, F, G and I.(5) a debarring official........... A, B, D, F, H and I.(6) an Federal agency official A, B, D, E and I.
authorized to enter into a covered