(a) This part establishes policies and procedures for grants and cooperative agreements awarded by NASA to non-Federal entities, commercial firms (when cost sharing is not required), and foreign organizations as allowed by 2 CFR 200.101 Applicability.
(b) Throughout this Part, the term ``grant'' includes ``cooperative agreement'' unless otherwise indicated.
(c) When commercial firms are required to provide cost sharing pursuant to 2 CFR 200.306, Cost Sharing, the terms and conditions of 14 CFR part 1274 apply.
(d)(1) In general, research with foreign organizations will not be conducted through grants, but instead will be accomplished on a no-exchange-of-funds basis. In these cases, NASA enters into agreements undertaking projects of international scientific collaboration. NASA policy on performing research with foreign organizations on a no-exchange-of-funds basis is set forth at NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 1835.016-70. In rare instances, NASA may enter into an international agreement under which funds will be transferred to a foreign recipient.
(1) In general, research with foreign organizations will not be conducted through grants, but instead will be accomplished on a no-exchange-of-funds basis. In these cases, NASA enters into agreements undertaking projects of international scientific collaboration. NASA policy on performing research with foreign organizations on a no-exchange-of-funds basis is set forth at NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) 1835.016-70. In rare instances, NASA may enter into an international agreement under which funds will be transferred to a foreign recipient.
(2) Grants to foreign organizations are made on an exceptional basis only. Awards require the prior approval of the Headquarters Office of International and Interagency Relations and the Headquarters Office of the General Counsel. Requests to award grants to foreign organizations are to be coordinated through the Office of Procurement, Program Operations Division.
(3) The requirements of this section do not apply to the purchase of supplies or services from non-U.S. sources by grant to U.S. recipients, when necessary to support research efforts. (Authority: 14 CFR 1260.4(b), 14 CFR 1260.12(e)(1), 14 CFR 1260.12(e)(2), 14 CFR 1260.(e)(3), and 14 CFR 1260.(e)(5))