(a) Consistent with 2 CFR 200.102(b):
(1) Exceptions on a case-by-case basis for individual non-Federal entities may be authorized by USAID's Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, except where otherwise required by law or where OMB or other approval is expressly required by this Part. No case-by-case exceptions may be granted to the provisions of Subpart F--Audit Requirements of this Part.
(2) USAID's Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management is also authorized to approve exceptions, on a class or an individual case basis, to USAID program specific assistance regulations other than those which implement statutory and executive order requirements.
(3) The Federal awarding agency may apply more restrictive requirements to a class of Federal awards or non-Federal entities when approved by OMB, required by Federal statutes or regulations except for the requirements in Subpart F--Audit Requirements of this part. A Federal awarding agency may apply less restrictive requirements when making awards at or below the simplified acquisition threshold, or when making fixed amount awards as defined in Subpart A--Acronyms and Definitions of this part, except for those requirements imposed by statute or in Subpart F--Audit Requirements of this part.