(a) You may obtain accounting and auditing relief under this subpart:
(1) If you are a lessee or a designee for a Federal lease with production from a property that qualifies as a marginal property under Sec. 1204.4;
(2) If you meet any additional requirements for specific types of relief under this subpart; and
(3) Only for the fractional interest in production from the marginal property for which you report and pay royalty. You may obtain relief even if the other lessees or designees for your lease or agreement do not request relief.
(b) You may not obtain one or both of the relief options specified in this subpart on any portion of production from a marginal property if:
(1) The marginal property covers multiple States; and
(2) One of the States determines under Sec. 1204.208 that it will not allow the relief option you seek.