(a) This section is applicable to coal leases on Federal lands which provide for the determination of royalty on a cents-per-ton (or other quantity) basis.
(b) The royalty for coal from leases subject to this section shall be based on the dollar rate per ton prescribed in the lease. That dollar rate shall be applicable to the actual quantity of coal used, sold, or otherwise finally disposed of, including coal which is avoidably lost as determine by BLM pursuant to 43 CFR part 3400.
(c) For leases subject to this section, there shall be no allowances for transportation, removal of impurities, coal washing, or any other processing or preparation of the coal.
(d) When a coal lease is readjusted pursuant to 43 CFR part 3400 and the royalty valuation method changes from a cents-per-ton basis to an ad valorem basis, coal which is produced prior to the effective date of readjustment and sold or used within 30 days of the effective date of readjustment shall be valued pursuant to this section. All coal that is not used, sold, or otherwise finally disposed of within 30 days after the effective date of readjustment shall be valued pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 1206.257 of this subpart, and royalties shall be paid at the royalty rate specified in the readjusted lease. [54 FR 1523, Jan. 13, 1989, as amended at 61 FR 5480, Feb. 12, 1996]