If you use the geothermal resource for direct use:
(a) For Class I leases, you must determine the royalty due on geothermal resources in accordance with the first applicable of the following three paragraphs.
(1) The weighted average of the gross proceeds established in arm's-length contracts for the purchase of significant quantities of geothermal resources to operate the lessee's same direct-use facility multiplied by the royalty rate in your lease. In evaluating the acceptability of arm's-length contracts, the following factors will be considered: time of execution, duration, terms, volume, quality of resource, and such other factors as may be appropriate to reflect the value of the resource.
(2) The equivalent value of the least expensive, reasonable alternative energy source (fuel) multiplied by the royalty rate in your lease. The equivalent value of the least expensive, reasonable alternative energy source will be based on the amount of thermal energy that would otherwise be used by the direct use facility in place of the geothermal resource. That amount of thermal energy (in Btu) displaced by the geothermal resource will be determined by the equation:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR02MY07.003 Where hin is the enthalpy in Btu/lb at the direct use facility inlet (based on measured inlet temperature), hout is the enthalpy in Btu/lb at the facility outlet (based on measured outlet temperature), density is in lbs/cu ft based on inlet temperature, the factor 0.133681 (cu ft/gal) converts gallons to cubic feet, and volume is the quantity of geothermal fluid in gallons produced at the wellhead or measured at an approved point. The efficiency factor of the alternative energy source will be 0.7 for coal and 0.8 for oil, natural gas, and other fuels derived from oil and natural gas, or an efficiency factor proposed by the lessee and approved by ONRR. The methods of measuring resource parameters (temperature, volume, etc.) and the frequency of computing and accumulating the amount of thermal energy displaced will be determined and approved by BLM under 43 CFR 3275.13-3275.17.
(3) A royalty determined by any other reasonable method approved by ONRR or the Assistant Secretary, Policy, Management and Budget of the Department of the Interior, under Sec. 1206.364 of this part.
(b) For geothermal resources produced from Class II and Class III leases, you must multiply the appropriate fee from the schedule in subparagraph (b)(1) of this section by the number of gallons or pounds you produce from the direct use lease each month.
(1) You must use the following fee schedule to calculate fees due under this section:
Direct Use Fee Schedule
[Hot water]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If your average monthly inlet temperature ([deg]F) is Your fees are . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
But less than ($/million ($/million
At least . . . . . . gallons) pounds)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------130............................................................. 140 2.524 0.307140............................................................. 150 7.549 0.921150............................................................. 160 12.543 1.536160............................................................. 170 17.503 2.150170............................................................. 180 22.426 2.764180............................................................. 190 27.310 3.379190............................................................. 200 32.153 3.993200............................................................. 210 36.955 4.607210............................................................. 220 41.710 5.221220............................................................. 230 46.417 5.836230............................................................. 240 51.075 6.450240............................................................. 250 55.682 7.064250............................................................. 260 60.236 7.679260............................................................. 270 64.736 8.293270............................................................. 280 69.176 8.907280............................................................. 290 73.558 9.521290............................................................. 300 77.876 10.136300............................................................. 310 82.133 10.750310............................................................. 320 86.328 11.364320............................................................. 330 90.445 11.979330............................................................. 340 94.501 12.593340............................................................. 350 98.481 13.207
350............................................................. 360 102.387 13.821----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i) For direct use geothermal resources with an average monthly inlet temperature of 130 [deg]F or less, you must pay only the lease rental.
(ii) The ONRR, in consultation with BLM, will develop and publish a revised fee schedule in the Federal Register, as needed.
(iii) ONRR, in consultation with BLM, will calculate revised fees schedules using the following formulas:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR02MY07.004 Where: RV = Royalty due as a function of produced volume in the fee
schedule, expressed as dollars per million (10\6\) gallons;Rm = Royalty due as a function of produced mass in the fee
schedule, expressed as dollars per million (10\6\) pounds;[rho][rho] = Water density at inlet temperature expressed as lbs per
gallon;Tin = Measured inlet temperature in [deg]F (as required by
BLM under 43 CFR part 3275);Tout = Established assumed outlet temperature of 130 [deg]F;e = Boiler Efficiency Factor for coal of 70 percent;Pprbc = The 3-year historical average of Powder River Basin
spot coal prices, as published by the Energy Information
Administration, or other recognized authoritative reference
source of coal prices, in dollars (per MMBtu);Frr = The assumed Lease Royalty Rate of 10 percent.
(2) The fee that you report is subject to monitoring, review, and audit.
(3) The schedule of fees established under this paragraph will apply to any Class III lease with respect to any royalty payments previously made when the lease was a Class I lease that were due and owing, and were paid, on or after July 16, 2003. To use this provision, you must provide ONRR data showing the amount of geothermal production in pounds or gallons of geothermal fluid to input into the fee schedule (see 43 CFR part 3276).
(i) If the royalties you previously paid are less than the fees due under this section, you must pay the difference plus interest on that difference computed under Sec. 1218.302 of this chapter.
(ii) If the royalties you previously paid are more than the fees due under this section, then you are entitled to a refund or credit from ONRR of 50 percent of the overpaid royalties. You are also entitled to a refund or credit of any interest that you paid on the overpaid royalties.
(c) For geothermal resources other than hot water, ONRR will determine fees on a case-by-case basis. [48 FR 35641, Aug. 5, 1983; 76 FR 76615, Dec. 8, 2011]
Editorial Note: At 76 FR 76615, Dec. 8, 2011, Sec. 1206.356 was amended in the thermal energy displaced equation in paragraph (a)(2) by removing ``0.113681'' and adding in its place ``0.133681''. The rule document does not include a revised illustration to be used for publication.