The information collection requirements identified in this subpart have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. Detailed information about each information collection request (ICR), including CFR citations, is included on the ONRR Web site at The ICRs and associated ONRR form numbers, if applicable, are listed below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
OMB Control number and short title Form or information collected------------------------------------------------------------------------1012-0001, CFO Act of 1992, Accounts No form for the following
Receivable Confirmations. collection:
receivable confirmations1012-0002, 30 CFR Parts 1202, 1206, and Form ONRR-4109, Gas Processing
1207, Indian Oil and Gas Valuation. Allowance Summary Report
Form ONRR-4110, Oil
Transportation Allowance
Form ONRR-4295, Gas
Transportation Allowance
Form ONRR-4393, Request to
Exceed Regulatory Allowance
Limitation \1\
Form ONRR-4410, Accounting for
Comparison [Dual Accounting]
Form ONRR-4411, Safety Net
Report1012-0003, 30 CFR Parts 1227, 1228, and No forms for the following
1229, Delegated and Cooperative collections:
Activities with States and Indian Written
Tribes. delegation proposal to perform
auditing and investigative
Request for
cooperative agreement and
subsequent requirements1012-0004, 30 CFR Parts 1210 and 1212, Form ONRR-2014, Report of Sales
Royalty and Production Reporting. and Royalty Remittance
Form ONRR-4054 (Parts A, B, and
C), Oil and Gas Operations
Form ONRR-4058, Production
Allocation Schedule Report1012-0005, 30 CFR Parts 1202, 1204, Form ONRR-4377, Stripper
1206, and 1210, Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Rate Reduction
Valuation. Notification
Form ONRR-4393, Request to
Exceed Regulatory Allowance
Limitation \1\
No form for the following
Federal oil
valuation support information1012-0006, 30 CFR Part 1243, Form ONRR-4435, Administrative
Suspensions Pending Appeal and Bonding. Appeal Bond
Form ONRR-4436, Letter of
Form ONRR-4437, Assignment of
Certificate of Deposit
No forms for the following
Self bonding
Treasury securities1012-0008, 30 CFR Part 1218, Collection Form ONRR-4425, Designation
of Monies Due the Federal Government. Form for Royalty Payment
No forms for the following
netting documentation
recoupment approval1012-0009, 30 CFR Part 1220, OCS Net No form for the following
Profit Share Payment Reporting. collection:
Net profit
share payment information1012-0010, 30 CFR Parts 1202, 1206, Form ONRR-4430, Solid Minerals
1210, 1212, 1217, and 1218, Solid Production and Royalty Report
Minerals and Geothermal Resources Form ONRR-4292, Coal Washing
Collections. Allowance Report
Form ONRR-4293, Coal
Transportation Allowance
No forms for the following
data--solid minerals
contracts--solid minerals
summaries--solid minerals------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Lessees use Form ONRR-4393 for both Federal and Indian oil and gas
leases. The form resides with ICR 1012-0005, but ONRR includes the
burden hours for Indian leases in ICR 1012-0002. [73 FR 15892, Mar. 26, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 58875, Oct. 8, 2008; 76 FR 76615, Dec. 8, 2011; 78 FR 30204, May 22, 2013]